Gifts For Tenants?

We have consistanly given our tenants a small gift around christmas time, normally a fruit basket or turkey, sometimes a gift certificate to the local market, we find it creates a ton of good will and costs us very little.

Any other landlords out there do a similar thing? If so, what do you do for your tenants?


  • InActive_Account11th December, 2003

    Yes I give them a classy card (not the 100 for $2.75) and write them a personal note telling them how much I like them,etc.etc. I enclose 2 plastic cards ($10/each) good for meals at some of the chain restaurants. That's sufficient to get them a lunch on me or the majority of a dinner charge.

  • DaveT11th December, 2003

    I give most of my tenants a rebate on their rent ranging from $25 to $100 depending upon how long the tenant has been in my property, their payment history, and how well they take care of the property.

    I put this on my books as "Rent Refunded to Tenant" and expense it in December.

  • Bruce12th December, 2003


    I also discount the rent by $25, but I think it is important HOW you do it.

    I bought a bunch of blank, light blue certificates (paper with the fancy border). They cost about 0.25 each. You print up the wording (Happy Holidays, as you are the most important part of our business...blah, blah, is $25 off Certificate for your December rent).

    The two pieces that are important are:

    1) the must sign and return the certificate to you
    2) The rent must be on time.

  • Tedjr12th December, 2003

    I never gave my tenants nothing. A six pack or case of Colt 45 or MD 40 or some joints or a line would have been greatly appreciated I am sure. Theants think I am already rich enough and giving away gifts would just enhance that. I am nice and polite and visit and see their tree and presents etc. but not Santa


    Ted Jr

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