Electronic Signatures For Consent Forms?

Is an electronic signature (typed names) OK for consent forms to check background on tenets? Or does it need to be signed with a pen and paper?


  • ITBInvestor24th July, 2010

    As long as you follow the rules (ESIGN Act -- I believe this is the right reference: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-106publ229/content-detail.html) electronic signatures are fine.

  • finniganps27th July, 2010

    I sold a house in Dec. 2009 - all forms from buyer including offers/acceptance, etc. were e-signatures and everything went through.

  • cjmazur28th July, 2010

    When I sold something vested in a trust, they wanted "wet signature... how ass backwards...

  • d_random26th August, 2010

    Thanks for the link ITBInvestor!

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