Property Inspection Bid Form
Since I have received an overwhelming response requesting my steps and checklist when inspecting a potential real estate deal I have decided to offer it to the rest of you all if you would like to use it. I am not asking for anything in return all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Email me directly and I will be happy to send it to you.
If you have requested it already and I have not sent it to you then please be patient I am sending it out in intervals so I do not get caught up in the repetitiveness. Email me again if you still do not receive it after a couple days from requesting it.
FYI - The request for this form and the others came about haphazardly when someone read “between” the lines on one of my follow-ups to a post. Leave it up to you all to find a needle in a haystack freebie.
Best of luck to you
Larry Brusatori<br>[ Edited by joel on Date 09/09/2003 ]
Why not add it to the Freebie section??
That' s a real good idea Ford64