Process Servers-Your Hottest Ticket For Finding Motivated Sellers! (Part 2 of 2

In order to start reaching my target market of potentially motivated sellers, my system is not just to ask these private individuals or companies if they will oblige me. I offer something traded of value whether it be a cut of the deal if it closes, referrals to other investors to use their service, cooperative advertising in my marketing approach, $500 finder’s fee. It’s just a matter of what you have of value to trade.

Let me give you an example of one item I traded of value to this company to get my name and number out to the target market they have access to. In my upcoming course I teach a system I refer to as The Ultimate Wholesale Communicator. My goal is when I tie up a great deal, that in 15 minutes I have mailed, faxed, and e-mailed my potential deal to my investors. For me that number is 200 and growing! I used that same marketing system to promote their services with tremendous results that we were able to track. Viola……(Wa-Lah for those not French), and now my marketing message gets to the exact target market I’m seeking and I don’t have to drive around posting up my flyers or mailing out them out. The motivated sellers now start calling me. Basically they start off this way when I answer the phone, “I heard from ABC Company that you can buy houses fast. Well, I’ve got this problem at 123 Main and here’s what it is…..”.

To get this technique established there is no way around it other than you simply must go to their office and speak very frankly in terms what you are trying to accomplish as a real estate investor. You need to have an operational plan together on what you expect them to do for you: post your flyers up on properties being foreclosed on, mail your flyer/contact material along with any other pertinent mail information they send out, put you in personal contact with the landlord filing eviction, etc… Lastly, you need to have a plan of action to make it worth the opportunity to become partners with you in turning problems into opportunities.

Once again, this technique is about establishing long-term relationships that will pay dividends for you month after month. Some of the “Process Servers” will not openly divulge client information and you would never want to ask someone to do something with any hint of illegality or compromising of ethics. If the marketing techniques you want to imply do not compromise these principles then you should pursue them as an investor very diligently.

In a “nutshell” there it is. Establish relationships taking the time to talk and LISTEN to the other party to lay the groundwork for a long-term mutually beneficial relationship. Good hunting as luck as absolutely nothing to do with it!


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