Probate Question.

I have a situation that I hope someone has experience in. Homeowner dies w/o a will and estate is not probated. She is survived by mother and father both out of state and not wanting to get involved. Property is headed to foreclosure and looks like a solveable problem. EXCEPT who do I get to convey title? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Property is located in Akron, OH if that helps. Thanks Ed


  • JohnMerchant3rd December, 2003

    Best way to know for sure is to hire local title co. or local lawyer. and pay them to give you the answer as to who they'd require on a deed to you.

    Will probate law is different in every state, sometimes NO probate works, as long as you have all her heirs on the title...this may have been the problem, and the only way to clear the title is the foreclosure.

    Have you approached the foreclosing lender to see if they'd sell you the note and let YOU finish the foreclosure? This way you'd know you had the title.

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