Private Messages & Profiles.

Some thoughts about private messages and profiles.

Lori, Tinman posted a question about receiving complex questions from posters here at TCI and it was to time consuming apparently to come back here to answer questions. We all know that her being a mortgage broker doesn't have anything to do with her wanting more control to contact posters.

All posters here a TCI can put their web sites in there profiles, however Channel Partners are not allowed to do this and it is understandable. So posters in essence can advertise through their profiles and can be contacted through their web sites.

In thinking about it, if a member has a question then they should be posting for everyone to see what the answer is, isn't this what this site is all about.

Having started here some 80,000 members ago, I have seen the hustlers, advertisers, num nuts, radicals, scam artists, etc. come and go, however if they can't reach them through the posts then they use the private messages or web sites in their profiles.

It that doesn't work then they see how many posts they can answer to try and build credibility by showing up in the rankings.

Was just wondering if private messages and web sites in the profiles are a help or hinderance?



  • NancyChadwick16th May, 2004

    If one member PM's another member with a question, are you suggesting that the second member post the answer (and the question) in the Forums? Not sure how that could be done efficiently. Maybe start a new Forum called "Questions I Received"?

    Suppose the person sending the inquiry doesn't want to have it posted publicly for legitimate reasons (ie, not because it's dealing with a matter that's against the Rules). How would that be handled? I assume Joel is the only person who knows how many PM's are sent. Would Joel then have to become the "watchdog" to make sure that if questions and answers are going back & forth via PM's that all of them get posted in the Forums?

    If you're suggesting that the private messaging system should be eliminated altogether, I don't think that would be a good idea. Members should be able to communicate with each other outside the Forums.

  • KyleGatton19th May, 2004

    The PM's in my opinion need to stay. It is a necessary evil, that I use a lot. If I get too complex or a general question, I usually just do a search with a term and send them a link. It shuts them up and gives them a hint to not bother me as I tell them they could have gotten the answer faster had they done the search themselves. The PM's are also used a lot for business that cannot be conducted on the open forums. If they make money by being on the site they will stay and pay.
    You may want to add a buck more for advertising there website if you wanted to increase revenue. But other than the added competition I dont see any harm in it.

    Thats my 1 and 1/2 cents worth

  • JohnLocke19th May, 2004


    Valid points, yes the Private Messages are of value as we both get a consideable amount of "Problem Mail" so I along with you point the posters in the correct direction. Sometimes 200+ a month gets a little tiresome.

    How about the what did I do wrong to have my post deleted ones. LOL

    I was wondering why a web site can be posted by a member so you can just go to a persons web site to contact them. Yet, in the Problem Mail you cannot post an email address? Seems to defeat the purpose or am I missing something.


  • NancyChadwick19th May, 2004


    I agree with your $.015.

    Concerning the website addresses people are allowed to put in their profiles, I think it would be a good idea that these be checked out for legitimacy, not to mention X rated material.


  • Stockpro9927th May, 2004

    Along the same lines I wish that everyone was required to post their websites, an personal information. I hate when you click on a users' profile and get "nothing".
    It would help show who was board hustling and advertising. Anymore I assume they are scammer if they have 5 or less posts and their last post looks like and advertisement

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