Private Message Question

Hi all and to the powers that be that operate this website....

I have been a somewhat active member in the forums on this site; specifically the building and development forum. I have had private messaging capabilities for as long as I have been signed onto this site and then this week suddenly it is no longer available. Can someone explain to me why that is the case? I come to this site, to be honest, to help out new builders and developers...not to make money off my deals, etc. It is strictly to help provide an educational sounding board for other folks. So, why no more PM abilities and why did I originally have it but now it is gone? I am just trying to figure out how the board is structured. I didn't know there were any fees charged to anyone here until this week!



  • jam20023rd May, 2004

    I think you get like 30 days free, then it's a small charge for like a year, thereafter.

  • NancyChadwick23rd May, 2004


    There are different levels of TCI membership and each level provides access to different things. If you go to "My TCI" tab, you will see what level access you currently have. Then you can decide what you want to do if you want private messaging capabilities.

  • woodsong24th May, 2004

    so did the private messaging thing just change on this site?? I have private messaging since i first joined here and then it disappeared this past week...?
    Why did I have it and then suddenly have it disappear? I have not had a change in status on the board, at least not to my knowledge....

  • NancyChadwick24th May, 2004


    There have been changes made, creating different levels of membership. If you go to "My TCI", you will see what level of membership you currently have and what you would have to do to upgrade the level.

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