Price Of Lumber

am buying land to build a duplex. However, my builder stated that he thinks that the price of lumber will go down during the months of January and Feb.and that I should wait until March to build. Any thoughts?


  • jeff1200213th October, 2004

    Has he indicated why he thinks the price of lumber will go down? I really am curious about that one. I know that there is a big demand for lumber in hurricane land right now, but the prices of lumber have, I believe, gone up pretty consistently over the last few years. Something about the environmentalists not wanting us to cut down any trees and such.

    If he has any insight, please share it with us.


  • vikingchild13th October, 2004

    The price of concrete has on up considerably over the last year and may go up more. You should get started now before prices increase.

  • mobius420th October, 2004

    lumber prices are not going to go down enough to make any substantial difference to you building a duplex, unless you plan to build it in all oak! I wouldn't count on them going down ever. Conduit prices have doubled in the past year, so has copper and sheet metal(plumbing and ductwork) PVC is steady. build it now, get your money, and let it start to pay for itself. Sounds like your builder is expecting a lull in in late winter and needs steady work.

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