Price Lumber

I am buying land to build a duplex. However, my builder stated that he thinks that the price of lumber will gd down during the months of January and Feb.and that I should wait until March to build. Any thoughts?


  • commercialking15th October, 2004

    Possible, there are lots of things driving up the price of lumber right now. Besides who wants to be working on framing a house in MO in January? There are much better ways to get frostbite and an even better idea for you builder is to go hang out in Florida until March (or even April). After all anybody who owns a hammer can be a builder there right now and the weather in MO will be much nicer in the spring.

  • NC_Yank15th October, 2004

    There are several factors that effect lumber prices......seasons is one of the very few.

    Yes, lumber - in particular pressure treated lumber will ease down some because of supply and demand. Less decks being built during that time of year.

    Supply and demand is the major factor that effects lumber. During the hurricane seasons lumber will shoot up.

    A few years ago a major supplier increased his prices because he stated he had to pay his workers extra for overtime / production...........they were working 12 hrs a day, 6 days a week at times.

    He then had a larger state of the art plant built in order to fill more orders and keep cost down.

    Once the plant was built he then cut his labor cost down by putting his employees back down to 8 hours a day but then he closed two other plants in order to keep his prices up.

    We builders got the shaft.........
    Instead of me sitting on by duff soaking about such matters........I find other ways to save money.

    This is not your house.....its an investment that is designed to make you money andthat my friend is not going to happen as long as you are waiting for lumber prices to come a sure.....who ever is looking at moving into a duplex is not going to wait until you decide to build. They will be paying someone rent.............I personally have no problem taking their money.


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