Previous Owner's Junk Inside Of The House.

I recently purchased an older vacant home from another investor. He had quick turned the house by assigning the purchase contract over to me. The house is full of the original owners junk. By that I mean trash, personal items, old furniture all piled up making it very difficult to move about. I contacted that owner and she pleaded with me not to throw the stuff away. She said that she needed a little more time to remove it because she actually wants a lot of it. The house has been sitting vacant like this for over five years with no electricity or water.
I have a crew ready to go in and clean out the place so I can begin my rehab.
Does the original owner have any recourse here. There was never anything in writing about the contents of the house when we closed.
Can I just get rid of the stuff? Have my guys pile it in front of her house after she paid me for it's removal?


  • kfspropertymanagement2nd January, 2005

    I had a problem like this once I contacted my lawyer and had him write the people a letter giving them one week to remove everything or it will be removed and tossed. Needless to say they never came for it we removed it placed it out for trash then got a call from a family member that they were going to the police dept to file complaints against us. I told them ok they asked for my address I gave them my lawyers and told them they must contact him for all future contacts with me. Needless to say never heard anything from them but just cya.

  • Young_Inno_Vative3rd January, 2005

    tell her the time is costing you money...
    id consult my lawyer and see what the legal matter is...
    and take action from there...
    tough situation because you dont want to get rid of her stuff and them take it maliciously and/or have to go to court for it...
    talk to her on the phone and see if she will agree for you to move the stuff out of the house until she can get it...
    tape record the convo, you might need it, but dont break a law...
    those are just ''what id do's"
    hope it all works out for you

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