Prepayments Of Rents

I have a question for you TCI if a tentants checks out ok and would like to pay you for the entire year of Rent what do you do or say to him/her
Rent is $350
Year is $4,200

I was wondering if anyone ever had this issue before and how did you deal with it?
Thank you and peace and blessings TCI


  • getgoing9th December, 2004

    As long as your check comes back good, I would say, Enjoy you stay!

  • steady289th December, 2004

    Thanks I was just wondering about that!

    On 2004-12-09 13:37, getgoing wrote:
    As long as your check comes back good, I would say, Enjoy you stay!

  • kfspropertymanagement9th December, 2004

    one thing to keep in mind if they prepay a year and there bad tenants might be alot harder to get them out if there is a problem.

  • getgoing9th December, 2004


    That was a good point. I would write up a contract with them on this that will meet your needs.

  • steady289th December, 2004

    Thanks guys all the post are very informative information I will consider all this information I dont know what I would do w/o this WebSite...peace and blessings

  • davehays10th December, 2004

    this should be reposted in the landlord forum

  • myfrogger10th December, 2004

    Maybe your renter gets paid on comission and doesn't have month to month income?? Or maybe they are a college student on a scholarship that pays for rent. The grantor isn't going to want to make montly payments. Or maybe the parents are paying for 1/2 the rent so you'll get the parents share of it up front.

    The whole idea about turning away money is absurd to me.

    If the tenants are doing something illegal with the property, your lease should address that. The fact that they have paid the rent has little bearing to the fact that they have otherwise violated the lease.

  • ceinvests10th December, 2004

    Last year I took a tenant who had lost her husband and her father in a short time. She wanted to move to a slower pace (from NJ to lower DE). She runs a successful ebay business and had an inheritance. She wanted to pay plenty up front just to seal the deal, move forward, simplify her thinking, etc etc. She made an excellent and accountable tenant! (Just moved on to a big farm)
    I will soon be selling my home and moving around for awhile. I might rent in areas that I'm not sure of. I doubt if I will have a j o b when I move each time. I might offer upfront money since I have never been a renter and am living off of my rentals/assets. After all, liquid money in the bank only makes a buck a year. grin. I will NOT be running any illegal activities out of any homes. grin.
    = Do your normal processing and look for logic and look at the person... then decide. 8-)

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