Prepaid Legal Services??
I am thinking of signing up for prepaid legal to save on cost and have ready access to a local attorney for what seems to be a song. $26.95 or something like that per month.
Anyone else out there use this service?
Experiences either positive or negative?
I heard they also have tons of contracts that you can access on-line. I would think that would be extremely valuable as well!
I was a member of PPL but dropped out after 6 months because my provider law firm was 100 miles from my www.home.They decided that my needs and calls were www.unimportant.Customer service at PPL was also unresponsive in remeding the situation.
I currently subscribe to a service, but they will only handle real estate matters on my primary residence, not my rentals. All in all I still think it is a bargain.
I am also a member but haven't attempted to use them for anything pertaining to RE. They have assisted me tremendously in other leagal areas. You can't beat the monthly price!
I used em for business once, and i ended up having to go to trial, where they sent a 25 year old lawyer straight out of school who had NO idea what was going on, nor how to try the case.
Naturally, I lost, and ended up having to pay damages of over 5K.
Cheap is dear. or You get what you pay for.
Lesson learned
got em,
not very creative down there though when it comes to real estate.
They do service better in other areas though.
I wouldnt waste my time. Get out there and do some deals. Learn how to buy and sell in a trust.
If you operate professionally, you should be fine!
Best Riches,
Jeffrey Adam
I'm going to lock this topic because all too often discussion re PPL ends up with some member of it, hustling or advertising its value, etc.