
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the most reliable info on foreclosures. I have been doing it by my self (going through the county website) but i started sending it to all the defendents and some of them didnt live in the house. I have had numerous individuals calling me pissed, one had his lawyer call me and say he was going to sue me (i had my lawyer straighten everything out).

Now my lawyer wants me to soften up this letter by changing all the words with (your) in it. He has other suggestions that I feel are making it not as strong as it was.

Does anyone have any letters that they use, that are not causing any problems or should I just expect a certiain number of complaints?

I also need to know if there is a better website to use to get the info?




  • bgrossnickle2nd June, 2005

    blah blah blah blah blah

    I am sorry you feel that way.

    blah blah blah blah blah

    I am sorry you feel that way.

    blah blah blah blah blah

    I am sorry you feel that way.

    hang up.

    All I every say is "I am sorry you feel that way". And honestly, I let them talk, scream or yell (I do not listen) until they get tired. I give them absolutely no fuel for the fire. They eventually hang up. If they are close to civil, I tell them that I have an automated system that sends out multiple letters and I am sorry but they will probably get additional letters from me, pease disregard any addiitonal letters. (Actually, I am just to lazy to remove them from my list.)

  • wilhite322nd June, 2005


    Those are the letters that I have been using.

    Thanks everybody for your responses.


  • d_random3rd June, 2005

    Oops! Sorry!

  • mikebuyshouses2nd June, 2005

    It depends on how much money I can take repairing the place and selling it vs. flipping it for quick cash.

    If I can make some bigger money per house I can do 6-10 houses a year. I could do more, but I like my lifestyle too.

    It depends how well organized you are and if you are doing it yourself, and also if you have money/credit to help you with repairs and purchasing.

  • mikebuyshouses2nd June, 2005

    It depends on how much money I can take repairing the place and selling it vs. flipping it for quick cash.

    If I can make some bigger money per house I can do 6-10 houses a year. I could do more, but I like my lifestyle too.

    It depends how well organized you are and if you are doing it yourself, and also if you have money/credit to help you with repairs and purchasing.

  • mikebuyshouses2nd June, 2005

    It depends on how much money I can take repairing the place and selling it vs. flipping it for quick cash.

    If I can make some bigger money per house I can do 6-10 houses a year. I could do more, but I like my lifestyle too.

    It depends how well organized you are and if you are doing it yourself, and also if you have money/credit to help you with repairs and purchasing.

  • wbmstrz2nd June, 2005

    Thanks mike for the info. Your reply is greatly appreciated. I see we are both from FL.

  • siret2nd June, 2005

    NP Mike, I"m in Jax, FL now.. hopefully i can meet you some day soon.

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