Pre4closure Letters

I am looking for suggestions or a sample letter that has proved to be successful when mailed to pre4closure owners.



  • Hundredfold4th May, 2006

    me to.

  • Hundredfold4th May, 2006

    me to.

  • charlotteinvestor4th May, 2006

    What you need to focus on is how can you get the homeowner to open your letters. The only bad letter that you can send is no letter at all just waiting for the right message.

    You need to figure out what your clients will want from you and how you can help them get what they want.

    Come up with a variety of different messages, then let someone close to you critique your letters. Just keep in mind that allowing others to hear your message will help you out more than you can realize. You will be bias about your message.

    After you get their opinions, review your message a few days. Then you will see what they are talking about.

  • BBagnall20th March, 2006

    Oh yes...and the support is not very good at all. would pretty much be in the same boat as w/FortuneMaker.

  • BBagnall21st March, 2006

    Maybe a few of us could get together and custom design a software package that would work and split the cost...

    Just a thought...


  • Stockpro9921st March, 2006

    IF it could be done well so that I had the features of Fortunemaker and a couple others I would put in $1000. For something phenominal more (and then I would market it on TCIsmile

  • Stockpro9922nd March, 2006

    I wonder where one would look for a small developer to customize a system?

    We are checking out ACT and a couple of other products as I cannot wait for fortunemaker to get back to me any longer. IT has been 10 days.

    What other systems have any of you used..?

  • charlotteinvestor27th April, 2006

    Using software to send out mailers. Is that easier than just, using They offer a product that will mail out to your prospects as often as you like. Without having to log back on. You can set up a campaign to send out the first batch this week the second in two and the third in a month and a half. With a company like this who needs software.

  • charlotteinvestor27th April, 2006

    Are you doing 50-100 deals per year as an agent or being an investor? Or both?

  • jonc_7728th April, 2006

    I have not tried any of these myself, but there are a lot of sites where you can post your idea for an application and developers will bid on how much they will charge to create it. Just do a search for eLance or Freelance and you should run across a bunch of options.

  • charlotteinvestor29th April, 2006

    So is most of your business an affect of being an agent or investor?

  • Stockpro9929th April, 2006

    It is an effect of being an investor. I have never sought out a listing, ever. In fact I think that I have taken no more than 10 in a year from other people.

    We have from 3-5 rehabs going in a month usually in the 20-50K range and wholesale anywhere from 1-5 depending on the deal and my month.

    I also speak on rehab, SS, Marketing and other topics in the west as well as seminars etc.

    I am vice president of the largest real estate investors association in the state and write articles on investment etc. in my spare time.

    Median home prices in our area are over 200K and did I cover your question to your satisfaction??


  • charlotteinvestor30th April, 2006

    Well have you answered to my satisfaction? I would say no, but you have tried to answer as much as you can.

    Great some people like doing 3-4 rehabbs a month. That is ok. But most people like to do 3-4 or even more cosmetic deals with the same profits.

  • charlotteinvestor4th May, 2006

    I have a deal that only needs cosmetics. Like a subcabinet, new counter tops, tile and some wall paper. Oops i forgot, i do have to upgrade the electrical box to 200 amps. The total cost of having all of this done, should only run about 2,400.

    The profit that i stand to make is 30k easily, once all of the cosmetics are finished.

    Not bad for a few hours worth of work. Picked this deal up for 100k subject to the owners existing financing. Worth 140-145k.

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