Pre-Pre Foreclosure Leads

Question to all: What would the contact information for leads of people who are behind in their mortgage but not yet in foreclosure be worth to an investor? How much would you pay per lead and how many would you be willing to buy? It could be targeted to your defined area or zip codes.

I hope to get a large amount of response to this question.


Mario Costanz


  • wtwyman9th October, 2004

    I'm not sure I understand the question.

    For example, I might pay $150 for 150 leads in San Diego. $1 per lead. Few pre-forclosure leads in San Diego seem highly motivated enough to do creative investing in my experience.

  • Mario117799th October, 2004

    Actually it would not be a standard pre-foreclosure lead. It would be before the bank files the lis pendis. You would beat the street to the homeowner. Everyone knows that as soon as a foreclosure becomes public record there can be up to 300 investors and bird dogs contacting the owner to help them. You would be the first one in the door before the list comes out.

  • nic34569th October, 2004

    Would the information be gathered in a legal manner? I work in banking and there are plently of ways to get the information...but its not legal.......

    Need a bit more description......

  • Mario117799th October, 2004

    Yes, it would be legal. Not stolen bank information.

  • leonsmith119th October, 2004

    On 2004-10-09 18:38, Mario11779 wrote:
    Yes, it would be legal. Not stolen bank information.
    Mario: Do you have a "Pre-fore-closure" service in your town?

  • Mario117799th October, 2004

    leonsmith11, You said "Do you have a "Pre-fore-closure" service in your town?". Yes, we do. Why do you ask?

  • leonsmith119th October, 2004


    Do you have a pre-foreclosure service in your town? You can also purchase leads from a national service on "credit problems" relative to people with overdue credit problems

  • china179th October, 2004

    I am placing ads more or less stating I can help folks before the banks get in their way. Meaning that my quest is also for PRE-PRE foreclosures.

    You stated there are national services that provide this info.....would you mind sharing the name or website to such a company(ies)

    I did a google search and NADA!

  • Mario117799th October, 2004

    I didn't state that there are "national services that provide this info", leonsmith11 did. No one is answering what they think this information would be worth! On targeted leads like this, how much would you pay?

  • investoraz9th October, 2004

    You ask "what would I pay?" Good question. I would first say "tell me more." I would personally be interested in purchasing these leads. However, the cost would depend on the source, the success rate, the volume, the demographics, etc. Who knows... maybe $1.00 or even $50.00 per lead - what would YOU feel they are worth, and why?? Wish I could be more specific, but more info would be needed to determine the real value. Good luck.

  • ncboater9th October, 2004

    Well I would first ask you how many people are you selling these leads to? If I'm the first 1 you call or email and I get the deal, than it would be worth more than $50.00. I usually get my leads for FREE. If I buy the house than I will pay a $500.00 birddog fee. Are you just supplying a lead or all the information about there situation? I send letters to banks and attorney's and they call me with possible leads but I don't pay for them unless I buy the house and it's usually only a day in advance. I would like to know how your going to get this info legally, because if you were snooping around my personal financial records or problems I would be pissed. To get this info I would guess you would have to have somebody on the inside and I would wonder the legalities of this. Certian information is public knowledge and some isn't.

  • china179th October, 2004

    I am with you....something doesn't seem ethical with Mario's comment / question.
    Very close to solicitation but the moderators can handle that, IF that's the case.

    We know you are in the credit rehab business....NC is right in stating that you're asking a question w/o offering enough info. If there is a legal/ established company that offers these pre-pre foreclosures leads, then great and perhaps you can offer the name of the company since thats what this website is all about.....helping one another! On the other hand, if u are snooping into others business, do yourself a favor and stop.

    Just a thought; nothing personal....

  • Mario1177910th October, 2004

    There is something very personal when you accuse someone of being unethical! If you read my post closely, you will see that there was no solicitation what so ever. You should really think twice or re-read your posts before you write stuff like that about people you don't even know.

    You state that you know that I am in the credit rehab business. Actually it's the credit repair business. Want to talk about ethical? How about you find another company that gives a money back guarantee in our line of business? You won't find one. We are the only one. Did you know that we take on over 50 credit repair cases a year of people who are too poor to pay our fees? No, you didn't know that. Did you know that our tax preparation division gives 100's of discounts and free taxes to people too poor to pay for their tax prep? No, you didn't know that. In the future, you'd better get your facts straight before you make accusations like that in a public forum. I am highly befuddled by your taking the time to write such things about me in this fashion.

    I have offered the information that I have for the deal that has been presented to me. I was looking for an objective opinion from my peers, not to get accused by people like you. I am the wrong person to tell about helping people out on this board. I give away advice on this board on a daily basis which I charge good money for in the real world for. You need not tell me what this website is all about. I help people all the time. How about you? I cannot even fathom what you mean by my snooping into others business. I will take the high road and not make any comments about you in the manner how you tried to smear me. I have definitely wasted too much time responding to your unfounded statements.

    I see your points. Unfortunately china17 roped you in and interpreted your statements as also seeing me an unethical. While I hope you do not feel that way about me, I am under the hopeful impression that you do not. The information offered to me would definitely be in the realm of public knowledge (according to the one presenting me the deal). I believe it is somewhat in the same manner that you are getting the info from banks and attorneys. Although they have quite an extensive network set up to get this information nationwide. I was just trying to get a handle on what others, like you, would think it would be fair for me to pay for this information.

  • InActive_Account10th October, 2004

    On 2004-10-09 17:52, Mario11779 wrote:
    Question to all: What would the contact information for leads of people who are behind in their mortgage but not yet in foreclosure be worth to an investor? How much would you pay per lead and how many would you be willing to buy? It could be targeted to your defined area or zip codes.

    Nothing. I would not pay anything for this info. Most people who are behind are not ready to do anything.

  • Mario1177910th October, 2004

    I see your point. However, if you were the first one in the door, wouldn't they call you once that foreclosure notice comes? Just a thought. I personally think it is always important to have some type of competitive advantage in any business including foreclosures. Still think it would be worth nothing? I am thinking that there has to be some value there. I'm just not sure what to offer them.

  • kenmax10th October, 2004

    would this be nation wide

  • kenmax10th October, 2004

    what info would be included in the

  • Mario1177910th October, 2004

    Yes, nationwide. Standard contact information including phone number if available.

  • InActive_Account10th October, 2004

    Lots of people have late payments but have no need to sell the property. So just late I don't see any value.

    Now if you could tell me who was 4 or 5 months late I might be interested. What would I pay? Not much.

    What would I like. I would like to be notified as soon as the notice of default was posted. If you could notify me the same day that would be of real value.

  • MAtkins11th October, 2004

    If you could provide a list of people who are behind, are highly motivated and guaranteed to sign my deal, now THAT would be valuable.

    Even more valuable if you could get them to just send me a signed contract for a guranteed $5,000.00+ profit for me, that would be real valuable!!

    Just kidding - these replies are getting humorous, hehe.

  • JohnMichael11th October, 2004

    I hesitate to make a list
    Of countless transactions I have missed;
    Bonanzas that were in my grip-
    I watched them through my fingers slip;
    The windfalls which I should have bought
    Were lost because I over thought:
    I thought of this, I thought of that,
    I could have sworn I smelled a rat,
    And while I thought things over twice,
    Another grabbed them at the price.
    It seems I always hesitate,
    Then make my mind up much too late.
    A very cautious man am I
    And that is why I never buy.

    When developments rose on Oak and Third
    The prices asked I felt absurd;
    Whole block fronts-black with soot-
    Were priced at thirty bucks a foot!
    I wouldn't even make a bid,
    But others did-yes, others did!
    When Newport Beach was cheap and barren land,
    I could have had a heap of sand;
    When Palm Springs was the place to buy,
    I thought the climate much too dry;
    Invest in Orange County-that's the spot!
    My sixth sense warned me I should not,
    A very prudent man am I
    And that is why I never buy,
    When others culled sprawling farms
    And welcomed deals with open arms-
    A corner here, ten acres there,
    Compounding values year by year,
    I chose to think and as I thought,
    They bought the deals I should have bought.
    the golden chances I had then
    Are lost and will not come again.
    Today I cannot be enticed
    for everything's so overpriced.
    The deals of yesteryear are dead;
    the market's soft-and so's my head.

    Last night I had a fearful dream,
    I know I wakened with a scream;
    Some Indians approached my bed-
    For trinkets on the barrelhead
    (in dollar bills worth twenty-four
    And nothing less and nothing more),
    They'd sell Manhattan isle to me.
    The most I'd go was twenty three.
    The Indian scowled: "Not on a bet,"
    And sold to Peter Minuit.

    At times a teardrop drowns my eye
    For deals I had, but did not buy;
    And now life's saddest words I pen-
    "If only I'd invest NOW...and then!"

  • leonsmith1112th March, 2005

    The national source referred to previously could NOT perform on PRE-FORECLOSURE LEADS. I,HOWEVER, WOULD PAY $10 per legal and ethical lead. Not posted with DO NOT CALL. ADDITIONALLY, I/we would then pay an additional $500 if the "lead" closed. Comment?

  • YzGuy12th March, 2005

    forgot to add: they did file for bankruptcy which has gone thru looks like.

  • billinseattle12th March, 2005

    Have you asked your neighbor about the the notes? They may have been discharged in the bankruptcy,

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