Pre-foreclosure Letter Please Help

Hi Fellow investors,

I want to start sending to property owner that in Pre-foreclosure stage, can you guys help me with a letter template? my e-mail **Please See My Profile**

And which method is the most efective? letter, phone call or knock on the door.

Thank you so much.


  • IBuyHousesInc11th January, 2006

    Do all of them........


  • JohnLocke11th January, 2006


    You forgot sky writing.

    I mean this poster only wants for free what someone has spent money developing, of course you get what you pay for.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • IBuyHousesInc11th January, 2006

    Hi John...

    And I was going to actually post a letter but not now....


  • spyboy11th January, 2006

    Well, Mr ( Mrs/Ms ) IBUYHOUSESINC, you were going to do something ( write a letter in reply to someones request ), but you decided not to do it, why?, because John made some sort of comment about it?.

    Seems that you are giving another substantial power over your actions.

    Do what you feel is right, and let others deal with their own issues.

    Thank You.

  • IBuyHousesInc12th January, 2006

    John looks like our Christmas card list is getting smaller....

    What was that saying about the horse and the water?

    Back to skywriting would you recommend cursive or printed skywriting?

    Just trying to figure out what works....


  • ttime12th January, 2006

    I am not sure how anyone can come away from this site without even accidentally learning something.....Heck, some info just lands on your head like a ton of bricks!!!

    I have learned much from both John and Michael, much more than some $3000 boot camp would accomplish. This is learn at your own pace.

    Keep up the good work!!!

    Don S.

  • mcole13th January, 2006

    This reminds me of that old saying, “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat today. Teach him to fish and he’ll eat forever.”

    Not to mention… if they’d done a little searching through past threads they probably would have found it anyway. I recall some time back that John Michael posted his entire pre-foreclosure letter.

    Michael Q. -- Cursive is cheaper. It only requires one plane. Good printed skywriting takes three. And great skywriting takes five.

    : )
    [ Edited by mcole on Date 01/13/2006 ]

  • IBuyHousesInc13th January, 2006

    I am going to scrap the idea of shywriting I have looked into it and the cost of the 5 airplanes is just too much for me to pay...

    Do you think if get a really tall ladder and a couple of cans of spray paint I could do my own skwriting?

    What color would you guys use? I was thinking red but then I thought i might offend a certain demographic.

    I know blue would be out of the question, I think anyway...

    If anyone has ever done this will you let me know...


  • IBuyHousesInc13th January, 2006

    Safety goggles thank you I didn’t think about that....

    Man I could have gotten an eye infection....

    I am in luck with the ladder, I have a buddy who works for the fire department and he said he could, on a Tuesday, I guess that’s their slow day, take their ladder truck out and I could climb up on it.... Its like a 10 story ladder.

    Dude this is going to be cool.


  • IBuyHousesInc13th January, 2006

    I cant help myself...

    Stop Foreclosure!

    Dear Homeowner,

    Let me help! My name is Michael Quarles. I have been helping people like you for years, good honest folks just like you. I know this can be a very embarrassing time and that you have so many questions to ask. Should you refinance, should you sell, even how long do you have. I am here to listen and help anyway I can. I have found that the most effective approach in helping homeowners is to share with them my experience about foreclosure process.

    You will be bombarded with letters, telephone calls, and even knocks on your door from people telling you half-truths. Some people will even tell you outright lies! These lies or half-truths will come from lenders, real estate agents, investors, and neighbors. You will get “advice” from your friends who mean well, but just don’t know the truth about foreclosure. All of this information will be tailored to the individual’s motivation. The Motivation of Greed.

    My goal is to help you save your house, save your credit, or both… and I don’t charge a thing!
    If you’re like most people, the first day your child went to school you were right there holding their hand making sure everything was perfect. Making sure that they had the right clothes on, that their backpack was full of pencils and paper, and that they were ready to learn. Everything was perfect, wasn’t it?

    It was perfect because you were concerned and made sure your child had everything they needed to make the right choices.

    The foreclosure process is the same way. As homeowners, you need to be concerned about what you’re up against, and how to beat the odds.

    Unfortunately, as the owner, everything and everyone is biased against you. Remember what I said earlier, the bankers, lawyers, title companies, and real estate agents are all in it for their Financial Motivation. They are making thousands of dollars because you are in foreclosure. They like it when you are in foreclosure.

    Most homeowners are so excited about owning a home they aren’t concerned enough to understand the system that is set up to make them fail.

    I was guilty of this too. I was so excited about having a home for my family that it didn’t matter that the interest rate on my mortgage was higher than the lender promised. When the loan agent told me that in a couple of years my income would make up the difference I thought, “okay”. After two years, I was still barely making it, my income didn’t rise and the telephone calls came. I walked into the same financial trap you did and they even put out a welcome mat for me!

    As I mentioned earlier, my goal is to help you save your house, your credit, or both, and I don’t charge a thing. If you feel comfortable, you may call me to set-up a time to come see me at my office and I would be happy to help you answer the many frustrating questions regarding the foreclosure process…all Free of Charge

    Thanks, and I look forward to talking with you!


    Michael Quarles

  • JohnLocke13th January, 2006

    I send a post card with 5 pictures on it.

    First picture is nosy neighbors a couple with closepins on their noses.

    Second picture is a locksmith changing a lock on a door.

    Third picture is a mean looking tall sherrif with sunglasses with his thumb in the hit the road position.

    Fourth picture is a picture of a family sitting on the curb with a few cardboard boxes

    Fifth picture is $Cash$ with cash and a phone number smiling which he seldom does.

    If a picture is worth a thousand words then I figure 5 pictures are worth 5 thousand words and the message diffenately get accross.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • mcole14th January, 2006

    Okay. Here’s one of mine…

    Dear <<Name>>,

    In reviewing the public records of <<County>>, I noticed a foreclosure action has been filed against your property. If this is in error, I urge you to contact your lender as soon as possible to clear this matter, as your home is at risk.

    Hopefully, you’ve been able to work something out to resolve this issue. But if not, there may still be a way to stop the foreclosure process, pay the default, and still save your equity.

    Oftentimes, this can be done without losing your home. While I can’t promise anything, this might be possible with your house as well -- which is why I’m writing you.

    If you haven’t already, you’ll most likely be receiving mailings, notices, or even people showing up at your door claiming they’ll pay cash for your home, or quickly solve all your problems. Again, I urge you to be extremely cautious and explore all of your options before agreeing to any offers.

    Perhaps this is where I can be of assistance. It might be worthwhile to review your situation in detail and see what could be done. Whether it’s, saving your equity, staying in your house, getting a new loan, or selling immediately there’s usually a solution.

    If I may be of service in this matter, it would be my pleasure to do so. There are no obligations or fees whatsoever.

    As I stated before, there are no guarantees -- but there’s no harm in looking at other options either. So, please feel free to contact me at one of the numbers below.

    I appreciate your time and look forward to speaking with you soon. And hopefully we can find a workable solution – if you haven’t already done so.


  • investornewbie15th January, 2006

    I find this forum to be very useful. I have learned a lot and I have found that the experienced posters are more than willing to share information. They are also willing to share scripts, letter formats, ad formats, etc.

    All I think of is that the poster rubbed John$ the wrong. I did not see anything the poster said that I haven't seen requested before and many times shared.

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