Pre-foreclosure/Distressed Seller Script

Does anyone have a script that they use each time they "cold call" a pre-foreclosure?

I have obtained a list of addresses/owners names that are in pre-foreclosure from the court house. I have looked some of them up in the phone book and plan on calling them; the ones that are not listed, I will send post cards.

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • JohnLocke5th March, 2009


    Just to be clear, once you contact the pre-forclosure people what type of investing do you intend to use to take the property?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • JohnLocke5th March, 2009


    There was never a time when I went after a person who was in pre-foreclosure for a Sub 2 deal. Most are in self-denial and difficult to deal with from a psychological view point.

    This was learned when they did call me, even though I did not target them in my marketing.

    There are folks who just need out for a variety of reasons, job transfer, divorce, etc., most are not behind payments and are looking for an out. Why make up back payments when really you just market for these folks instead for pre-foreclosure people.

    I do not call anyone, they call me from my "Message to Market" advertising. My script is small over the phone, I get their name, address and set the appointment to meet with them.

    Within 15 minutes of hanging up I know more about their house than they probably do. Loan balance, interest rate, etc., and whether I am interested personally or not. If not I turn it over to another investor or cancel the appointment explaining there is nothing I can do for them.

    When I am at the house, I use a memorized scripted presentation, which has the seller trying to convince me to purchase their property, then I decide whether I want to or not.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • northwest015th March, 2009

    But sub2 can be used to get the preforeclouser property but is alot harder to do

    John is right as i have found out they are mostly thinking some god send will save them

    And when it comes ( not in most cases ) they are happy for the few do make up payments most do not

    And then see the bank man standing on the door step and saying get out

    [ Edited by northwest01 on Date 03/09/2009 ]

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