Possible Solution For Seniors In Foreclosure.

Possible solution for Seniors in foreclosure.

Message is meant to give senior citizen an alternative to borrowing hard money to get them out of foreclosure and raising the mortgage payment to cover the higher interested rates. . May want to look at a mortgage program called “Reverse Mortgages”. Would appreciate any ones opinion for or against. Simply email me at: **Please See My Profile** (include the under scores).
[ Edited by Henry_CA on Date 02/15/2005 ]


  • cheryllynn14th February, 2005

    No. A bank check is when you write a check to the bank, and they write a check back to whoever you need the check made out to. That way, the person accepting the check knows the funds are there, as it is a check directly from the bank.


  • dangc14th February, 2005

    But how can you be sure of the exact amount you will end up bidding at the auction before it even takes place? For example, if you get a bank check for $5,000 and you end up bidding more or less, what will happen?


  • belacqua14th February, 2005

    In my state they give you a certain amount of time (two hours, I think) after winning the bid to go get the check. I hear the consequences of tardiness are severe.

  • dangc14th February, 2005

    does anyone know if this is true in NY?

  • ligem14th February, 2005


    I am from NY. NO a check from your bank with your name and address on it is not adequate. In other words, the checks you use to pay your bills is not what they are referring to.

    The explanation provided in an earlier posting is correct. Just go to your bank and tell them what you need. Have the cash for them and they will write checks in whatever increments you request.

    Often, individiuals come to an auction with multiple bank checks. Your strategy going in is KNOW how much you plan to bid on a piece of property, that will help you prepare for the number of checks required. I know someone that goes to auctions with multiple checks in $5K increments. Maybe you should go to observe once and ask questions.

  • looktolearn215th February, 2005

    dangc I was wondering the samequestion as u I went to my firstauction today andI waswondering if you or any one else can give me a step by step on how it works and what to look for in the paper and step by step on auctions for property thanku :-D null :-D :-D

  • cdkerr115th February, 2005

    In my state the newpaper announcement of the auction gives the amount of the deposit and that is what you need if you are the winning bid and the balance is not due untill the deal is ratified weeks later. and it has to be a certified check or cash so I take the right combination of denominations to cover anything I might bid on. Check around the banks some of them charge for a chashiers check and with multiple checks it can add up

  • mattfish1115th February, 2005

    Hey - Horse owners can be motivated too!

  • ray_higdon15th February, 2005

    So did you get the horses under contract and now trying to assign them? I would try HorseVestors.

    Great story!

  • LarryNut15th February, 2005

    Can I take them over subject to the existing vet and feed bill?

    Wait a minute, do I need a horse trust in case the owner finds out and tries to call them back???

  • OracleEagle15th February, 2005

    Remember that with each horse you need to get the deed.. Or was that feed?
    Do you plan to rent your horses out at kids birthday parties? Or are you looking more at rehabbing err I mean grooming them from top to bottom, feed them some steroids, and flip em for a quick buck? I hear they sell for top dollar with granite teeth and porcelain tails.
    Interesting you got calls for people selling horses.. Might have to look into that a little more. Would be kinda cool to tell people you flip horses for a living!
    BTW, how lucky are you to get such an easy number to remember! Did you have to pay for the vanity number or was it just luck of the draw? LOL Post was a good afternoon pick me up!

  • taxleanman16th February, 2005

    That was hilarious. Thank for sharing the story. I had a good laugh

  • taxleanman16th February, 2005

    That was hilarious. Thank for sharing the story. I had a good laugh

  • taxleanman16th February, 2005

    That was hilarious. Thank for sharing the story. I had a good laugh

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