Poor Property Management Companies: Brewer-Caldwell In Phoenix And Tucson

Poor Property Management companies: Brewer-Caldwell Property Management Company in Phoenix and Tucson, AZ.

How does a first time investor understand the in’s and out’s of signing up with a reliable and ethical company. I have found that lots and lots of research is your best investment. The internet will always prove to be a good place to find about things especially when it comes to investments. Take Brewer Caldwell Property Management for example. How do they rate? Who are they and are they a company that you could trust to manage your investment. I don’t think so but I could be wrong. But here’s some things I found out. I’ve found many negative reviews on the internet about this company Brewer Caldwell and I also found that they are also connected to a very large network called Marshall Reddick who offers seminars to people about property investments. I also found out that these two in particular have a great relationship with each other, for example Brewer Caldwell and Marshall Reddick share and split the 3% commission as a broker of a new built home for signing up a new investor under the network of Marshall Reddick and Brewer Caldwell. This could be a very lucrative opportunity for these two parties, especially if homes being sold range in the area of $150,000.00 each, do the math it’s kind of interesting then multiply this with how many new investors they sign up monthly and well you get the idea. I’m sure it not just limited to AZ because it’s a very large network it’s probably in every state in the US. What else should a investor be aware of. How about true rents vs what this company advertises. I noticed that the ad they place on there internet see abetterhouse or there website.

Now if you happen to see the advertisements at Marshall Reddick Seminar they have rents shown at $1,000.00 for the same area but what’s interesting is that Brewer Caldwell shows rent lower to folks looking for property sometimes the differences can be hundreds of dollars lower per month as someone looking to rent a home vs the investors seeing what they think (the key is think) they can get on a lease. If the true rent is lower than the advertisements you seen as an investor the negative could be substantial per month, something to think about, or at least invest in a fifty cent news paper that shows what the homes are really renting for.

I’m sure there are other ways to look into this. Now let’s take a look at the quality of tenants they bring into your properties. Are they really doing there homework and screening the applicants for your investment property or are they blasting out to as many opportunities that they can find leaving out the main ingredients “ Quality Tenants” Let me know what you think?

Also look at various other property managements companies listed on the internet, check out the websites are they clean easy to navigate, do they look professional or cheap. Do the pictures show well. We’ve reviewed Brewer Caldwell Property Management and found this company severely flawed and rates very low or as poor.

Let us know what you can find out and add to this blog.

[ Edited by applejack on Date 11/18/2005 ]


  • maggiebird8th March, 2006

    I found something very interesting on the internet recently. I was checking out property management companies in AZ through Brewer Caldwell and found this link that came from someone named Paul at Brewer Caldwell who sent this e-mail out to all of his staff. What I thought was amazing was the fact that he’s telling his staff how to post fake comments making them seem like there the best property management in AZ. I found this on google at a page called ****This URL Not allowed**** and was posted last year in Jan. It was unbelievable what they we’re doing and trying to cover up. This is nothing more then fraud and should be reported to the BBB or someone. We will not do business with this group now. We’ve found too many negative reviews about them and now they are cleverly covering them up.

    Here is what they posted.

    From: Paul Johnson Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 3:24 PM
    Brewer Caldwell Property Management’ from the major search engines where we get the majority of internet leads ie Google, MSN and Yahoo. Although the people posting these negative reviews are definitely in the minority among our expanding client base, there are enough of the negative voices out there that can potentially ‘scare’ or mislead new investors from signing up with us just by the comments they are posting on online bulletin boards and forums. Many investors might be hitting these forums and having second thoughts with investing with us unless we can take action right away to ensure that there are enough positive comments and feedback to tip the scale. With Tom’s suggestion, I have formulated a strategy to allow all of us to work together as a team to get positive feedback online to increase both the quality and quantity of our leads and upset the various ‘smear’ campaigns that are out there to hurt us. What I would like all of us to do is to take about 10 minutes out of our day at least once a week to focus on writing and posting online a positive comment on why Brewer Caldwell is simply the best property management company in the state of AZ. Each week I will send everyone an email with two hyperlinks on forums that I have discovered (or has been brought to my attention) that week with instructions on what needs to be done to either sign up for an account to that particular bulletin board and/or post a review in our favor that can tip the scale from any ‘dirt’ that someone may have posted previously. If all 100+ employees from both Phoenix and Tucson were to sign up and post one positive comment for each forum link I send, the results would simply be astonishing on it’s effects on our internet market! It would benefit everyone as it can help us grow our business by having a positive presence online.
    When posting to these bulletin boards I’ve included below, here are a few suggestions for the type of items you might say:
    Be specific on items or areas that Brewer Caldwell is doing exceptional in when…

  • finniganps9th March, 2006

    Did anyone notice that the person posting the positive experience has only 1 posting....gee, I wonder why?

  • els05284th March, 2006

    use a company online like accurint . com. thats what we use at work to find people in collections...it gives all sorts of info that may be able to help you.

  • Eric_M10th March, 2006

    Collections people work wonders, call around.

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