PMI Coaching

Me and my wife are currently interested in doing tax liens.We purchased the coaching from PMI for a great deal of money(at least to us)and was told it would take 3-5 bus days.Well business day 12 no software or program but did have 1 coaching session.What a joke. They said we needed to hand out business cards and look for investors. Great advise. I new we were going to be the investors but did not want to have to go out and look for run down or abandond property and then try to find the owner and try to purchase it if it had little work to be done. Also what does this have to do with tax liens nothing at all. I've learned more on my own and at the county collectors office than with a product I've never received.. My advice BE CAREFUL-and do your homework . mad >smile


  • nick_crawley6th August, 2003

    my advise is to always check out with the BBB befor spending your money into something like that you whind up spending money and getting nothing out of it.
    these people make money doing nothing for you . what you need to do is go online and look for information it is cheaper and you get more out of it.

  • fauche656th August, 2003

    Sorry to hear that. Do not give up. The successful ones in this business persist.
    Good Luck

  • 6th August, 2003

    we ended up stopping the payment before the complete process so needless to say we are extremely happy. We found lots of good info on the net and are going to invest the money we saved into our own Co..At least this way if we mess up we've lost the money and not just gave it to someone with empty promises.

  • 2cyclekarter7th August, 2004

    Go here:

    It's at least SOMETHING and the info looks pretty good! APPLY it!

    Keep us posted on how you fare with getting your money's worth out of 'em. Maybe you should just call with YOUR OWN questions all the time and try to get them to help you that way. Might have a chance of getting hold of someone that is interested in the same things you are and then would have someone to ask for when you call, kinda a "back-door" mentor for you.

    Hope you can make some lemonade here! 8-)

  • 2cyclekarter7th August, 2004

    Go to GOOGLE search engine.

    Search for: PMI Coaching

    Keep clicking.

    Seek and ye shall find! wink

  • swordofthespirit22nd July, 2005

    So glad to read your post....even though 2003....
    Listen to my story...It gets worse....
    We recieved an phone call into our motel Nick had to come into town to recieve radation treatments for lung cancer....He was told he had about 2 months to live.....I gues PMI figured that would be just enough time for us to do the course...The got Nicholas...84 year old senior in radation treament expected to pass on with 2 months...well...they got $6,495.00 out of our Novemeber.....and in March after months of deliberation $2,495.00 was credited I THINK..and the balance of $4,000.000...we we never recieved anything or any coaching and called to make sure then did not take Nicholas and my money the next day...Mind you they called at 7 pm and than had about 5 other Super High Pressure Sales People call saying...GET THIS that we were chosen for the tv comerical..they even threated Nicholas and I...welll within 12 hrs I called to make sure they did not do this to an dieing person senior....But they did...they ran with the money out of our ATM card to our bank...and thay was 8 months ago...we can not make contaft so..I am going to the Attorney Gerneralll

    **Please See My Profile**

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