Apparently "STOP_REI_Fraud" sent that PM to some other TCI people:

I agree with lorien. It's turning into cyberstalking.

Here's what lorien posted (

Posted: 11:11 on 04-30-2004
I asked about the ignore feature and the ability to log people's ip addresses because i'm tired of one particular person who keeps getting tossed in jail coming back as another persona . Right now, i believe he's using the name STOP_REI_Fraud.
Joel, couldn't you ban his ip? It's gotten to the point of almost being an online stalker/slander issue. I guess he doesn't have a real life or something. If not banning his ip, is there some way to alert me of his new id so i don't have to stumble upon his posts?
Sorry, not trying to be difficult but i'm almost afraid to check my pm's if they're from someone new!

[ Edited by NancyChadwick on Date 04/30/2004 ]


  • KyleGatton2nd May, 2004

    Even if Joel banned his IP, there is software out there that will change the number so that it would be a chase again. Unfortunately psychological games are the best ammunition against them. Take the fun out of it and they will eventually get bored and go somewhere else. I had one that PM'ed me with all kinds of stuff and I was attacking back. Then everytime he PM'ed I would wait 2 days to reply, and then just answered his reply "matter of factly" with OK, I understand, etc etc. He gave up and left within a week. PM me the next time you have problems and I will take them off your hands.


  • NancyChadwick2nd May, 2004


    Since late February on a continuing basis, I've been getting communications from these omega pseudo-identities (DealerJo, CREIPAP, John29, StopFraudTCI, STOP_REI_Fraud).

    These communications are psychotic and pornographic.

    It's cyber stalking.

    When these omega pseudo-identities get thrown in Jail, why aren't their PM privileges taken away?


  • KyleGatton2nd May, 2004

    The same reason you cant kill a murderer. Unfortunately its a strike policy, but if someone is sending pornographic stuff through the PM, then I am sure Joel would kick them permanenantly off. But until they commit the crime theres no way to punish them. We cant kick everyone off for one bad day, unfortunately the really bad ones like what you have described, get to ride that wave.

  • NancyChadwick2nd May, 2004


    Perhaps after you read the material that you asked me to send to you by PM, you'll see that this is coming from just one person and his various disguises--omega.

    And it's is quite different from a situation where somebody is just having a "bad day."


  • KyleGatton2nd May, 2004


    I wasnt downplaying the severity of your PM's , Seriously. All I was saying is that unfortunately we have to go through the process. As soon as I can get into my PM box (my account is having issues), I am sure I will agree that we need to string him up. lol. I have been on that end as well and its not fun. I will PM you back as soon as I can read it.


  • NancyChadwick2nd May, 2004


    You do the noose and I'll kick the box away. LOL


  • KyleGatton4th May, 2004

    Ok got your PM this guy is a FREAK! we need to make sure its not John T Reed, and if it is we need to seek counsel asap. I would also suggest getting the IP info from that account and logging what times he comes on, if and when he does so under a different name. This way we can use it in court later. I would bait him, and then either file a federal charge, or contact the FBI with the info. But for them to even have a mild interest it will have to be an on going isuue with life threats, for at least 3-6 months, or they will consider it an isolated incident. He has obviously been in the scene for a while and has done his homework, he has access to either a moderator, or ability to crack into this site, as he knows too much about the intricacies of this site. I would consider him a viable threat, not on a physical level, but to the database or name sake throughout the internet.

    Keep me posted,

  • NancyChadwick5th May, 2004


    Whoever this "person" is, he's very sick.


  • joel5th May, 2004

    When we ban somebody, the do not have access to PM or Forums.

  • NancyChadwick5th May, 2004


    If user name "X" has been banned, then user name "X" doesn't have access to the Forums and can't PM anyone.

    However, user names "A", "B" or "C" may in fact be the same person as user name "X".

    A, B and C can access the Forums and PM people if they haven't been banned.


  • joel5th May, 2004


    If you life has been threatened, let me know immediately. That is definately more serious than anything else we have seen on the website.

  • NancyChadwick5th May, 2004


    Physical threats are very serious, I agree.

    You posted in another Forum that you were taking civil and criminal action against this "person" who you identified as omega because of all the stuff he has been attempting to do to this site.

    I hope that you are taking this "person" seriously even though his psychotic communications have not yet reached the point of making physical threats.


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