Please Review Forum Rules

I have deleted several posts for violation of forum rules. At times we moderators may or may not notify you as to why a post was deleted but rest assure if you read the forum rules then you will know why.

Unless noted, forums are not the place to advertise or solicit for business but rather a place to provide information and exchange ideas that are within the parameter of the forum rules.

It would especially benefit new members to become familar with the site including sections dealing with Articles, Lenders, Brokers, and other informative tabs located at the top of the screen.

Rules are not imposed to set up road blocks in your REI travels but rather to bring order to the site so that you can find answers you need more quickly.

Thank you for your cooperation.




  • woodsong3rd May, 2007

    A good and timely post NY.

    Note to forum rule breakers- i have decided it is fun to alter your illegal posts to completely alter their meaning and make for a good laugh. Unless you want to fall victim to this I suggest you do like NY said and read the forum rules. Otherwise, you may find your post about looking for a discount property in a hot market to you suddenly seeking overpriced properties in slow markets.

  • dhsdesertrose7th May, 2007

    Just wondering what solution you were able to come up with. Sounds like a great deal if structured correctly. There are attorneys out there that specialize in writing contractual agreements. You and the seller meet and write down exactly what is desired from each party and they put it in writing. Sounds like a great opportunity to build.

  • langsdon26th February, 2007

    Did you find a source for good info on condo conversions of commercial space?

  • D_Hernandez_19709th May, 2007

    You can start with the Illinois Condominium Property Act, IL ST CH 76. 605/2

    I can help you out.

    We develop properties for investors throughout the Chicagoland area. We have an attorney on staff for drawing the necessary documentation.


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