Please Help !!

Looking for a little help please?

FMV=140k. Seller is selling it this weekend by herself and asking 125k before handing it to a realtor on Monday at which time the price will be raised. I can't even see inside the property until Friday @5, although if it looks like the outside, it's mint. This one will not last just from running the figures, someone will snatch it .
Renters are in place @ $950 a month and would like to stay another 18 months.
Seller has loan but unwilling to let me assume (go figure).
I can purchase with my existing HELOC @ 4.25 interest only (cash buyer as far as sellers concerned)
My plan is to offer 115-120k, since she has already revealed she has already purchased another property and needs the money. Is there another way without scaring the seller off?
My problem is I need my money back out in 4 months because of a spec house I'm having built. Can I get a traditional mortgage on the property and just hold it or should I try to just throw it back on the market?
Should I send a contract her way and put a contingency "deal is subject to my partners approval" so I can get out if I don;t like it. I would only put 10 days for that because I don't like tying up other peoples property for to long (been done to me).
Any help would be appreciated. Oh p.s. this couldn't happen at a worse time, my Ron Legrand stuff isn't suppose to arrive until Saturday.


  • JeffAdams29th January, 2004

    Make her your offer. Buy it with your HELOC. Then go to a broker and get
    a loan that does not require any seasoning. There are some new loan programs out there that will let you do it. The interest rate is a little higher and the
    LTV is 80-90%

    One of my favorite things to do is buy properties in good areas cash at 70-80% of market value and then turn around and put good financing on the
    property as long as the numbers pencil.

    Best Riches,
    Jeffrey Adam

    "The only place success comes before work
    is in the dictionary."[ Edited by JeffreyAdam on Date 01/29/2004 ]

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