Please Help Re: Credit

My question is simple can any one suggest a way to get charged off information removed from your credit report these accounts where settled and where supposed to reflect that someone has told me that I should right letters to these companies and request removal. :-? [ Edited by sweetm769 on Date 04/06/2004 ]


  • JeffAdams6th April, 2004

    You need to request all three credit bureaus and dispute the negative credit as being yours. The credit bureaus dont care if you have an excuse, however if you dispute the items as being yours, they will contact the creditor and if they dont respond within 21 business days,
    the items will come off. Give it a shot, you will be surprised. Make sure you send out to all three bureaus though.

    Best Riches,
    Jeffrey Adam

    "The only place success comes before work
    is in the dictionary."[ Edited by JeffreyAdam on Date 04/06/2004 ]

  • InActive_Account6th April, 2004

    Dispute the information to the 3 major reporting agencies. The companies have 30 days to reply or the information is supposed to be removed.

  • j_owley6th April, 2004

    i recently had an objection on my credit report.

    I went in to the lending institution and explained the situation that i was unhappy with. it had to do with there soft ware not adjusting to newly negotiated payment scedual, so i ended up with 9 90day late dings on my report. after showing the loan officer our payment records, we were on time as agreed, he sent a letter to all three credit buriors asking for deletion of the acount.

    this was done by all three agencies

    you will need to talk to the actual person responcible for writing the charge offs in the fist place, they will need to make the request to the three agencies, who will then make any adjustments requsted wink

  • commissiononly6th April, 2004


    Once their paid my experience has been it is difficult to get them removed you need to negotiate this before sending any money. Although being very nice and persistent is helpful. what you didn't mention is how long have the accts. been paid off? for the most part coll. companies and creditors only hold info for 18-24 mos. after the debt has been satis. So a dispute after that time frame may prove to be successful in that if the collection co. can no longer verify the debt it must be removed in it's entireity. Also erroneous info must be re-validated and corrected, that means anything in the entry must be absolutly correct, amts, dates, acct nos. etc... so disputing the entry without specifically identifying the error causes the data entry persons to go back and double check everything, sometimes they just delete, It's easier. I've even helped a client who had a collection company go out of business the majority of the coll. accts. were with this co!. Jackpot over 100 pt. improvement on the fico in less than a week. On a personal note I deal with credit clean up at some level on a daily basis for my clients and the mental midgets that we get to talk to at the coll. co. are the ( I'm getting started so I'll stop now) most unpleasant individuals I've ever had the opportunity to speak with so kindness and persistence will be your most effective weapon---good luck

  • Bryson977th April, 2004

    In my experience, I found that negotiating a pay off for the removal of the negative marks work. Get your credit reports from all 3 agencies and check for the mistakes and start writing letters to each agency concerning the negative marks. When the agency letters come back, write a letter directly to that company and wait for their response only to the company that didn't remove the negative information. You have to be very patient. If a company is giving you a hard time, keep writing. You don't have to write a letter every month but let them know that your not going to give up. Whatever your reason for the negative marks give them the sad version. I went through this process. I wrote so many letters that the company asked me not to send any more letters, so they deleted the negative mark. I purchased the Do It Yourself Credit Repair from Staples. It was worth it. It comes with a lot of good tips. Good Luck!

  • sweetm7698th April, 2004

    I would like to thank you for all of you help. all of you have been an insperation wish me luck

  • j_owley8th April, 2004

    just rember no venture no gain wink

  • chicken4428th April, 2004

    hello this is sweetm769 how do I get a membership to this site I hope to tell you how thins go after I get my reports

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