Please Give Me Advice...

hello all, to make the long story short here ya go

3 years ago, got very sick late payments that kinda stuff
was in hospital, im the only source of income just me not married, hospital and work got screwed up for almost 4 months

reposessed car
got back on feet got car back paid it off in full about a month after getting back to health
2 credit cards settled, same, as soon as i got back home healthy paid them, settled on both

never got a letter from either collection company on the credit cards
still show as collections on credit

1- is there a way since i paid off the car as soon as i got home from the hospital, to have the whole thing removed?
2- what can i do to have both credit cards removed it has been so damn long now since they have been paid and i still have no letter from the company that i settled both of them with

how can i get them removed also?
thank you in advance
[ Edited by joel on Date 06/02/2004 ]


  • cjmazur2nd June, 2004

    title maybe excepted, or hound the collestion agecy for s dischsrge letter,

  • flacorps5th June, 2004

    Gird for war.

    Dispute, dispute, dispute. Use goodwill letters ... work your way to nutcase letters. Dispute some more. is full of ideas. Also check out

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