Phone Script For Buying Houses Sub2


I cant seem to find a good script for buying houses. I recently got a voice mail phone # but need a good script
to use. I have a few for selling, but am looking for something more related to the Sub2 biz.

If anyone has one they use that they wouldnt mind posting, I would appreciate it. I have a good friend that gave me one, but it was for selling.




  • jeff120021st March, 2004

    I know no one personally that has ever bought a property over the phone. You must get a look at the house. You only need to pre-qualify the sellers based on their attitude. Do they need to sell, or are they just considering selling, if they can get what they are asking? No great mystery here.
    Get in the living room and make your presentation (In person, not over the phone)
    Good luck,

  • bginvestor8th March, 2004

    If you UNDERSTAND what you want to accomplish, you can write your own script..

    I've been modifying my script for over a year now based on all my inbound calls. There's probably no perfect script. Work on your own so that it can match your personalty....

    Good investing,


  • saniche8th March, 2004

    I hear in Texas it's best to call them all "dudes" and say something like "hey dude, i can buy your house but I'll have to take over your existing debt dude. Will that work for you?"

  • kellyntx8th March, 2004

    Hey now, why does everyone have to make fun of Texans

  • c-brainard8th March, 2004

    Q: Why do they make fun of Texans?
    A: They envy my big.......

    bank account.


  • kellyntx8th March, 2004

    I have to say that was good.Well I just knew you were going to say what a big bank account you have. Everything is bigger in Texas

  • JeffAdams8th March, 2004

    When dealing with "Absentee" owners, sometimes you have not other choice but to negotiate over the phone. I would suggest first seeing if they are willing to sell the property for and how much?
    Then you can construct and present
    mulitiple offers. I personally prefer the phone as I can eliminate the "suspects"
    from the "prospects". If you are dealing with pre-foreclosures, it is a different story. Like Jeff mentioned, in person is the best. Offerring a solution to their problem whether it means turning them on to a lender you know that can do a refi
    or buying their property.

    Best RIches,
    Jeffrey Adam

  • kellyntx9th March, 2004

    I think that Scott is looking for a script to put on his voicemail so when the sellers call him they will hear a brief message about what he does since he might not always be there to answer the phone.


  • samedwin9th March, 2004

    You can call ads in the paper if you are looking for recorded message. "Borrow" some of their words. At least that'll give you a start if you really don't know what to say.
    But why do a recorded message when you can talk to them right NOW if you have them call you're cell phone? It's not practical for everyone, though...
    Just my pennies...

  • c-brainard10th March, 2004


    To answer your origional question, the best thing you can do is answer the phone yourself. If not, I suggest you leave a professional voice mail message, and call back even those who hang up. I think mine goes something like...

    "You have reached the personal voice mailbox of Chris with RREI. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message and I will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you and have a great day."

    I know it sounds cheesy, but I don't think people really want to hear a computer tell them how it can solve all their problems.


    p.s. You knew I was going to mention my bank account, huh? For some reason, that makes me sad...

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