Phone Numbers?

Does anyone know where I can look up phone numbers for people listed on NODS?

I've only had about a 20% success rate through various online search web sites like



  • 2nd October, 2003


    I use ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's***

    I try the reverse address lookup first, (so many times phone numbers are in different names) and then I do the name. I try different things. Sometimes I leave the city off and type first and last name and state, or I type in the zip code instead of city.

    This doesn't get all the numbers, but has a reasonable hit ratio. I think different websites have different information.

    Anyone else have another good site? Maybe we can try a combination for those really hard to get phone numbers.

    I hope this helps.

  • Sash2nd October, 2003

    Can you PM the URL?


  • 2nd October, 2003

    Ok ok, I was afraid that I would have to reach senior status before I could mention a website. I'm only trying to help. Now, how do I do this?

  • 2nd October, 2003

    I don't know what PM is.

    Maybe I can spell it out - it is
    world wide web dot white****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's***.

    I hope this is ok.

  • 2nd October, 2003

    Ok, here's a hint

    white pages

  • 2nd October, 2003

    Ok, now I'm a little disappointed that it is so difficult to share information. I'm not selling anything and I guess I don't understand why it is so hard to share information.

  • joel2nd October, 2003

    Sorry Ghostwriter.
    with this website being free, we do have lots of problems with advertising.

    What you might want to do is add the White Pages link to the Web Links area so everybody can share it.

    FYI- you can post URLs that are within the TCI website no matter what rank you are.

    [ Edited by joel on Date 10/02/2003 ]

  • InActive_Account2nd October, 2003

    Well I don't think that I'll have any better luck giving web sites. Some tell me that you can ask information (starts with a four and has a single digit repeted twice) .for two telephone numbers at a time for $.75.

    There are a number of web site. There's 3-4 commercial CD companies which update freguently. I have a friend back east who does this for a living. She says to contact neighbors a couple door on either side and a couple across the street. If they are "nosey neighbors" they will be able to provide the key to your search.

    With my delicate disposition, I find telephoning too time consuming and unproductive. I prefer using the mail and banging on a door.

  • DavidBrowne3rd October, 2003

    thats cool you did it ever think about spy school?/?

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