Phone Listing For REO Dept Of Banks

I follow the the sheriffs sale fairly close and there was a house that went thru the redemption period and after calling about 30 phone numbers I got ahold of someone who knew what I was talking about, the only thing is Citifinancial said I would have to go thru the realtor. I have found another one now listed with Bank of New York but am having no luck with getting ahold of anyone. The Lawyer is of no help.


  • agent8925th April, 2004

    Read the thread started by telebroker on a similar thought.

    Even after the redemption period (timeframes vary) the property is unlikely to be vacant. This depends on your eviction statutes, or how effective the broker is with a “cash for keys” program. Unless you’re prepared to actually buy at the auction, following the sales can only indicate the future REO possibilities, or more often, indicate the neighborhoods that you’ll want to visit for investing.

    The lawyers? Don’t bother. If you need to find out if the auction has been postponed, you might get a staff member to tell you. Even then you would usually just look at the postponement notices that day, wherever the sales are held.

    Anyway, auction teeth are sharp teeth, so...


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