Perk Test Failed What To Do?


I sent out a bunch of letters to owners of vacant lots in my area. I just got a call from one of them telling me he is interested in selling but the property does not pass perk test? He said too rocky

Any advice, experience with a perk test?
Is the property worthless?
Should I continue to persue this lot?



  • Stockpro9913th May, 2004

    There are other options and your county planning dept should be able to tell you what others have used. A sand system is more expensinve but doable. Price out what you wnat to do and see if the numbers work or not.


  • commercialking13th May, 2004

    equaris corp. makes a self-contained sewage treatment system which may make it possible to build on the lot without a septic tank/leech field

  • woodsong14th May, 2004

    Technically, if your area is like most every other place in the country, you would need to talk to the county health department as they usually oversee septic tank approvals.

    Alternative systems make me nervous b/c they are like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Unless you are an experienced builder and know how to deal with issues like these, I would suggest passing on this one and going on to the next. If you still want to pursue, get a copy of the soils report from the seller and take it to the county folks that oversee septic systems. If the tests have been done recently you may even be able to locate the inspector who denied the permits and discuss the unique situation of that lot.

    Good luck.

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