'pbodys' Short Sale Technique - Legal ?

Hi all,

I am sorry to use a fellow member's name in this post, but I have no other choice since this is in reference to his/her "Short sale technique" post ('pbodys' - I have sent a PM to you about this).

The gist is that when 'pbodys' says that "I placed a lien on the property for services rendered", the service he/she is talking about is bringing a buyer and seller together. Since 'pbodys' does not mention whether or not he/she has a RE license, I will assume the negative.

If I understand it right, even though 'pbodys' has a signed sales contract with the seller I don't think that makes him a principal in the transaction and not a middleman/agent.

In other words, is it legal to do what 'pbodys' just did? Of course,the simple answer would be that since 'pbodys' did not enter into a contract with the seller that promised them the best price (unlike a realtor - fiduciary responsibility) this could be legal.

In essence, can someone advise/consult with buyers and sellers of real estate for a fee, without a license and/or fear of being sued ?

Thanks, "B".[ Edited by srb on Date 08/12/2003 ]


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