Pay Per Click--my New Website

Has anyone used the Pay per click offered by many companies out there. Do you see any reason for adding to the cost of the web site?? Will customers really use it you give it to only certain companies? HELP surprised


  • GFous22nd November, 2003

    I use three pay for click services. Have done so for over a year. They work well but must be managed often.

  • thomasgsweat22nd November, 2003

    GFous, I like your site. I went over just to take a quick peek and 10 minutes later I was still there looking around. Nice job.

  • Sash23rd November, 2003

    Since search engines have made it very hard to get good rankings now, paid inclusion is one of the best ways to get a good listing immediately. When I say "good listing" I mean top 10 or first page of search results.

    Gregg is right, you need to monitor and adjust your bids at least every couple days.


  • jackman23rd November, 2003

    hah! finally a topic that i'm versed at. <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_smile.gif">

    there's one real way to get top rankings and that's diligence. you have to literally spend hours per day (for big companies, there are entire departments dedicated to this) submitting *the correct* criteria to engines. so much goes into it, that i won't touch it in the rei forum, but consistency is key. imho, click programs work better than nothing, but hardly better than anything.

    <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif">

    by the way gfous, your site is very informative. you tell a good story! i wish u were on the east coast tho, so i could do biz with u. dying to get back to miami beach![ Edited by jackman on Date 11/23/2003 ]

  • GFous28th November, 2003

    I had a marketing professor tell me that you cannot reverse a trend, but you can speed one up. Towards that goal I have a beta site about ready to roll with much improvements.

    The success of my site has surprsed even me. I have moved over $8,000,000 in pre constrruction condos in 2003 that I can attricute directly to the site.

    It generates 5 hards leads a day and three new members to my weekly newsletter a day.

    This costs me about $1000.month.

    Not sure which site you viisted. I have another site I call a "go to" site. Ths is for my development company. ( ) When we have an inquiry for a project we can tell prospects to "go to" this site to get floor plans, pricing, aerials etc. I generally do not look for pay for click hits here too much - altho it is listed.

    I believe money and time spent on internet marketing - FOR MY MARKET- is the best money spent. Not sure this is the case for all.

    For example, Selling $130,000 condos is not as easy as selling $800,000 condos on the internet. The lower end buyers are not surfing as much.

    If I was looking for motivated sellier- not sure I would use the internet. But let me tell you , if this is what you are looking for - act like the seller first and look for sites that would be looking for your same client. You can experiment with a site very inexpensively. The beauty of pay per click is that if you do not get the hits - you do not pay.

    Good luck

  • GFous28th November, 2003

    By the way Jackman - location means nothing today. You can invest money from there!

    Many of my investors come from the cold north.

  • sammiecat4th December, 2003


    No offense to your website, it is fine, but 1K a month is WAY HIGH! I am a web developer myself and now I am also a mortgage broker. What are you getting for your 1K a month???

  • Stockpro994th December, 2003

    I would love to learn from you guys. I have never heard of the "pay for click" can you send me a PM with a url where I could see one in action?

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