Partying Tenant In Duplex - Neighbors Complaining

How do you handle complaints about noisy tenants?

I got a complaint late last night about a party at the unit next door. I drove by to verify, and sure enough there were at least 25 people in the duplex with loud music and lots of beer. I didn’t feel safe trying to quiet things down myself so called the non-emergency number for the PD.

But the partying tenant has lived there for a long time and always pays on time. They are good tenants from my end of things just not good neighbors for the other tenants. I’m now concerned that I may have gone too far in notifying the PD – I don’t won’t to cause them to move. I also don’t wont to lose other residents because of there noise.


  • myfrogger31st October, 2004

    Tell us more about the area.

    I invest primarily in a college town and I deal with things differently on campus vs. off campus.

    You might try fining your tenants $100 for the party and advise them of the rules as stated in the lease.

  • LeaseOptionKing31st October, 2004

    Your Lease should state rules about noise and disturbing neighbors. Technically, the neighbors can call the police and have the party shut down (first offense), and have them ticketed after that (court appearance and fine).

  • Dumdido31st October, 2004

    There are three duplexs (6 units) grouped together in a small community. The tenants are mostly Mexican and speak very little English. [ Edited by Dumdido on Date 10/31/2004 ]

  • InActive_Account31st October, 2004

    To tag onto the suggestion Frogger made about fining them $100 for breaking the lease rules......

    You mentioned that they hardly speak English, how about having a copy of the lease rules drafted up in Spanish so they can read them and have no excuse for not being able to understand what is being agreed on in the lease....

    That might be a soft approach, kinda like a friendly reminder......

    Just trying to make a suggestion


  • SavvyYoungster1st November, 2004

    It's Halloween. I went to a party on Halloween.

    Do these tenants party often? Or just on holidays?

  • Bruce2nd November, 2004


    I never understand tenants or the neighbors...why do they think landlords are babysitters?

    I have received calls from neighbors about tenants and I tell them to call the police.

  • jvunguyen2nd November, 2004

    Would it be better if neighbor call you instead of police? Then you can handle the issues before government involves. Could someone give me the feedbacks? I like to keep in touch with neighbor and ask them to call me if they suspect anything. Is it a good practice or just the way invite you into more problems??

    Thank you

  • d_random21st January, 2005

    I suggest you revise your lease for the next tenant to include a clause about parties (i.e. the number of people that can be in the unit at one time). The last 1BR rental I lived in had a clause that said that no more than five people can be in the house at one time.

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