Partnership Questions

Well, I found a great partner. With IMPECCABLE credit and very high income. I close my eyes and I see nothing but dollar signs. smile

So, I need some advice. What type of real estate investing could we go into where we can both benefit greatly from in a SHORT period of time. We are in the New York City area. She is willing to do practically anything to retire from that high paying but very stressful job.

We would like to do something that would let us make a good chunk of change because I have a feeling that if I don't show her something good really quick, her husband will talk her out of this. He is a TOTAL non-believer. But he is willing to let it fly for now.

Any suggestions?


  • jackman14th November, 2003

    read a few forums and get a feel for what you think is something that you'd like. if you have a hot link like this, by all means, get moving! haha. use her until you lose her - and NO, i don't mean it in a bad way, it'll keep everyone happy when she makes good returns and you make hella money.

    i'd say get pre-foreclosures and either buy the owners out and take over the properties or short sale them from the bank. rehabs have a nice backend but it takes a while sometimes. man, there's too much ... just check it all out!

    take care.

  • jeff1200214th November, 2003

    I suggest getting a good partnership agreement drawn up now that you both still like each other. Spell out specifically the responsibilities of each partner, and how everyone will be compensated. You could also include a method for resolution of disputes that may arise when both partners don't agree on something. Specify how the partnership will be dissolved etc. The more specific the agreement , the better for you and your perspective partner. I know this may all seem overkill, but wait until you both have money, the partnership will have to evolve, or it will go bad. Hope this helps.
    Good Luck,

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