Partnership Information..Please Respond

Hello All: I have a question usual.
Yes I have perused the articles here and perhaps I gave into the blinding headache I developed from looking at the screen....hmmmm I sound cranky today.....sorry.

I want to know how probable it is for a person whose credit is not perfect....say in the low 600 area( plus a couple other marks against their credit report ) who also has a novice to moderate understanding of REI to try to make deals on owner occupied property ( no luck yet )
to form a partnership who another investor in the Maryland area. His biggest obstacle in networking is that he drives over the road, with barely any free time, and lives 3 hours from the larger REI groups in the Baltimore area.

His monetary contributions are severely limited even though he has a good income, feeling the only real attribute he has to bring to a partnership is his knowledge and his ability to harvest information.

Any one out here who is able to suggest how he can get involved with another investor, or any investors interested in contacting him, please send me a private message in return I will supply his contact information.

Thank You, and congratulations to all the success I am reading about here on this board.




  • scr200120th January, 2004

    What makes you think you need another investor? If you want to be a bird dog that is one thing, but partnerships are made and found on your way to success. At least in my experience. A successful investor is not just going to open up his trough of leads and goodies to just anyone. Money attracts Money....!!!!!! Then you say you have no free time, and no money. Um what wrong with this picture.

    People have started with less than you.. You have a job, you can fix your credit, and you can create your own deals, and leads.
    [ Edited by scr2001 on Date 01/20/2004 ]

  • haginabox20th January, 2004

    You miss my point, I am looking for someone who lives in the state of Maryland. I did not say it was myself looking for a partnership. Why? you may be asking yourself don't I fill that position.....number one I live 900 miles away and number 2 it would be a personal coflict of interest.

    I appreciate your response, if my message wasn't clear enough, please let me know so that I may re-phrase it.

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