Partnering With Lender

Has anyone ever partnered with a lender? if so how was the deal structured?


  • commercialking4th January, 2010

    If Remington is still charging up front fees you can pretty much bet that they are still living off the fees and only rarely closing a deal.

  • Kaps4th January, 2010

    Thank you for your response, Commercial King. My group has been encouraged to make application for funding for an Australian property development. We travelled to Arizona recently, a trip of over 30,000 kms, and met with Remington principals. Funding is apprx AUD25m; fees for DD, etc, were discussed as a prerequisite. The whole process seems to me to be problematic and gives no assurance of ultimate funding success, nor money back guarantees. We are too far away to have to fight in the courts for reimbursement later. The Remington internet background hardly gives us any confidence in proceeding.

  • lonfeia3rd March, 2010

    We too are looking at Remington Financial and have yet to hear from anyone actually closing a loan.
    We have a LOI and good "terms" but no formal committment
    Why are all the internet posts dealing with 2007 and earlier?
    Have these guys cleaned up their act or is it still "pay up fron, no loan?"

  • KBLO3rd March, 2010

    What are you trying to finance? I may be able to help.

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