Paperwork? Where, What's, And How To's? HELP! Newbie-

I've been to the seminars (free), read the posts, books, etc. Listened to the tapes, CDs, and watched the videos, I'm ready to start and am suffering of information overload.

I live in NC, Where do I get the forms, agreements, etc. necessary to legally construct a REI investment.? How many forms and which forms do I need to go to a prospective client with? How do I fill them out?

There is a lot of information around but this area seems to be lacking.

I would reall appreciate the assistance.


Jeff :-?


  • pino20th March, 2004

    Hey Jeff,

    None of the books/courses you bought gave you forms? I just got Ron Legrand's lease option course and it has everything but I still plan on having a lawyer go through the process with me to make sure I'm covered in all areas.

    I don't know where else to get them.

    I'm sure someone on here can recommend an affordable course with some good information and copies of the forms/paperwork to use. I find Legrand's course extremely useful and you can get it at the store on this websites for just over 200 bucks. (it usually sells for 1500)

  • invest60820th March, 2004


    Thanks for the info and response. I bought a LeGrand course through Ebay but I believe it is a bootleg as the pages are reproduced rather poorly.

    I can't really read them much less reproduce the agreements and forms, etc. I hate to try and get another copy through Ebay (burned once but think twice now)


  • InActive_Account22nd March, 2004


    I think I bought my course through ebay from the same guy you did.

    The cd's were terrible also.

    Plus it was $500 which is what they were selling for on ebay back then.

    It was an expensive lesson.


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