Zero Down???

Zero down zero down, if I don't I'm such a clown!tongue laugh

How the heck do you work a zero down deal? When you find your properties the standard way (realtor, MLS) how do you get a zero down deal! When you do a 0down does that mean absolutely nothing from my financial resources? Is it a safe way to go? Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated.



  • KyleGatton12th August, 2003

    You should read the articles here on the site they will explain in great detail the zro down methods. Remember that Zero down means Zero out of your pocket, not anyone elses. There are too many ways to do a zero down deal to explain here. Once you find out a specific method, then you should try a more specific question.

    Good Luck,

  • hibby7612th August, 2003

    I'd also add that generally, the WORST way to find 0 down deals is through the MLS. Not that they can't be found there, but it's more difficult.

  • JMF14th August, 2003

    Hi Josh,

    Contact me (look under my profile) and I will help you to structure nothing down (or out of pocket) deals utilizing creative private financing.

    Talk to you soon,


  • rdcall14th August, 2003

    It is very hard to find a 0 down deal where you don't use your money.
    now if you can use someone elses money great

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