We are in contract to purchase a house (Long Island N.Y) for $106,000 and the house has appraised for $123,000. We will be putting $20,000 of our own money towards the purchase. The seller will not grant us an extension and we have to close by SEP 3, 2003.If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You


  • JMF9th August, 2003

    Hello Rhimpr,

    Sure, I can help you. Why are you putting in 20K Cash? Save your money for other things - like starting up in REI (if you haven't already). I will privately finance you with nothing down. I can close in 2 weeks. Please contact me (see my profile).

    Talk to you soon,

    James [ Edited by JMF on Date 08/09/2003 ]

  • mpine11th August, 2003

    I would be glad to assist you. Sounds like you have a loan that can close real fast.

    Best wishes,

    Michael Pine
    email: **Please See My Profile**

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