how to structure an owner financing deal.
I was thinking of 5% downand a 620 fico.
Do you qualify all potential buyers with a 1003 form?
Can anyone give me more insight into the process, because i'm definitely going to mkt/sell my house that way. I'm going to rehab and owner finance.
Another question, if i rehab and sell through owner financing within a month's time, do the buyers still have to go through appraisal, inspection, title search, seeing as i will have just performed all of this a month ago?
yes the 5% down is good, decent fico, most note investors will try to get you to take a discount, make sure you sale your property at market value. YOu should not have to have all that paper work done over as long as not over 60 days.
There is a lot more to consider the FICO and 5% down and yes you need a 1003 and you need to know how to read it.