How To Find The Mortagae Holder?

How do I find the mortage holder? is there a website that has this information? :-?


  • InActive_Account22nd May, 2004

    Try the county recorder's office.


  • pohaku22nd May, 2004

    Like robertt said you can try the county recorder office but you may want to see if you can get the info through their online web site.
    here in washington state we can get most of it online from the auditors web page public records it's really nice.
    I was also told a good source is the title company but i have not tried that yet but will find out. hope this helps a liitle. :-D

  • active_re_investor24th May, 2004

    If you have on-line access, great.

    If not or maybe to get more complete info find a title company.

    Get them the full address and let them know what you are looking for. Be nice and if you expect to do a deal then it would be best if you sent the work their way as repayment.

    You want a 'treo' or preliminary title report (the name varies by company). The 'free' search that is not guaranteed to be perfect but will generally show everything you will need.

    You definitely need the correct address for the property so they can look it up.

    I normally can get one within an hour and it is emailed as an attachment.


  • cjmazur24th May, 2004

    if you smooze a title company and say you're a fliper, they will give you access to the cust. service which will pull docs for you.

  • smr1sun25th May, 2004

    Just to put a new wrinkle in your brain consider these three approaches when hunting for private mortgage notes:

    1.) Consider contacting a few real estate agents within a 5 mile radius from where you live. Let them know that you want to purchase seller financed notes. Give them your contact information and explain to them how you could even do a simultaneous close. This enable real estate agents to sell more properties and the seller of the note can get rid of their note right at closing.

    2.) You should begin to observe every road side sign in your neighborhood that states "Owner Financing" available. These are fresh leads. Take down tel# and contact owner and let them know that you would be very interested in making them a lump sum offer for the future cash flow.

    3.) Go to online newspapers and in the search field type in "Owner Financing" and see what pops up. Again these will be fresh leads. They probably will not have sold their property yet but you would be first in line when they do sell and create the note.

    Just food for thought.

    Best Regards,

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