Paint Vs Vinyl Siding

I'm at a decision time on my rehab as to what to do with the outside. It has aluminum siding that would have to be repaired in several areas and the garage is wood. Cost to paint is 2600, Vinyl siding is 5700 house and garage. I've completely replaced the kitchen and bath and the inside is in tip top shape. Alot of the houses around mine have newer vinyl siding. Should I go for the siding or repair and paint?


  • mbarikmo24th March, 2004

    ...also has a brand new roof...

  • snoonan24th March, 2004

    First thing you need to look are the numbers! If most of the homes in the area have newer siding you should go for it if you can afford it. Could add value. Again, look at the numbers.; grin

  • davmille24th March, 2004

    If you're trying to sell this property I suspect you will have to put on new vinyl. Aluminum siding can really hurt resale if it looks bad. The good thing is that the new vinyl will probably raise the property value about the same as the extra you will have to pay to put it on. The house should sell much more quickly though with the vinyl. Of course, if this is a long term rental, I would say paint it and do it yourself if possible.

  • InActive_Account24th March, 2004


    What price range house we are talking?

    An extra 3K on a 150K house is easier to recover than on a 50k house.

    JohnNH[ Edited by JohnNH on Date 03/24/2004 ]

  • mbarikmo25th March, 2004

    It should sell int the 105K-115K range.

  • KevinIL25th March, 2004

    OK...I'll be the lone disenting opinion. :-( I would clean the aluminum siding completely and then paint it a similar color as the houses with vinyl siding.

    Most buyers will only care that it's clean and attractive. And the aluminum siding is still a "maintenance-free" siding just like the new vinyl. Save the money, I'd doubt you'd recover the additional expense of new siding.

  • InActive_Account25th March, 2004

    I'm with painting it too.

    You said $5700 to side it. Top numbers for the house 115,000.

    There is no way that after you spend $5700 on siding that you will guarantee you will now get $120,700 for the house. Also if you don't side it there is no guarantee that you would now only get 108,300. There is no direct correlation between the amount of money you spend on the siding and what you will recover. If you got ripped off by someone and spent $10,000 on the siding you wouldn't add $10,000 value to the house and conversely if you got someone to do if for $1000 you would just add $1000 of value to the house.

    The only thing that siding is going to do is make the house sell faster. Will is sell the $2500 faster? (difference between paint and siding)

    Always keep in mind in rehabbing that there is no direct proportion to what you spend on the house to the value it will return. Everything you do contributes to the value, and they are all interconnected.

    It is usally more a process where the sum of the parts is greater than the actual individual parts.

  • tomisino26th March, 2004

    Hello, I used to install siding, what type of house is it (ranch,etc.) and how many squares will it take to do the job (square = 100 sq. feet.- surface area of walls, not living area, minus windows and doors). A 110,000 dollar house doesn't sound to me like a $5500 vinyl job. Five years ago siding was running anywhere from 60-90 bucks/ a sq. and the install was a little less (labor). My boss after overhead and whatever was paying me 25/sq. to put it up. Things might have gone up a little since then, but not much, we haven't had too much inflation and I know installers arent making that much more now, and this was in the Chicago area to boot where I assume the cost of labor is higher. Also, siding and/or paint usually includes a soffit and fascia redo, and you just cant paint over that. IMHO if the neighborhood has homes that are doing vinyl, than anything else looks antique. Paint doesn't solve your maintenence problems when the siding gets dinged either. That's just off the top of my head, after a few beers, so take this with a grain of salt, just my thoughts. Hope this helps.

  • mbarikmo26th March, 2004

    Thanks to everyone for the input. Some good points on both sides....After some careful consideration I've decided to go with the vinyl siding. We'll see if it was a good decision (soon I hope). Also this is my first house and I've learned alot along the way. Maybe this will be another learning experience.
    Thanks again.

  • lp126th March, 2004

    here in ny they they charge $200 a square..90 for material 110 for labor.

  • shipps2724427th March, 2004

    i think 5700 is a little steep here in nc siding 40 to 60 a sq
    i think its a good idea for a long term value
    [ Edited by shipps27244 on Date 03/27/2004 ]

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