paid prop tax 5 of 10 years- can i take property

i bought properpty off of a estate- the taxes for the property next to me were added to mine- 1992-1997. tax went down in 1998-present. trying to sell house but problem with septic it's on other property. Since i paid those tax and was not reinburst- can i file a lien.


  • tanya121515th February, 2003

    I would not know what to say to you except, I would highly recommend talking to a Real Estate Attorney about this issue. I would assume if you paid the property taxes for 5 of the 10 years, that would at the very least be reimbursed.

    A Real Estate Attorney will be able to help you with the laws of the county you are in.

    Good luck...[ Edited by tanya1215 on Date 02/15/2003 ]

  • landinvestor16th February, 2003

    Why did you have to pay the taxes? The Counties say anyone can be a nice guy & pay someones taxes but I don't think it will entitle you to anything in return.

    Now if they did not pay the taxes in the first place most likely they will not pay the taxes in the future. If they don't pay the taxes the County will put the taxes up for tax lien. At that time you could go to the auction and bid on the tax lien. But you should make sure no other liens are on the property. You can search the County records for liens on your own. If you win the tax lien they have 2 years to pay the County back taxes, fees, penalties & interest to you. If they don't pay after 2 years you would have to request the County to apply for a Tax Deed & to put the property up for auction. When the property goes up for auction you would have to out bid all bidders to win the property. If you win the Tax Deed and you plan to build on or sell the property you may have to file a suit to quiet title to be able to get title insurance. Starting costs to have a layer file suit for quiet title could be about $925! But you can go the the Curcuit Court and file it yourself if you want, but you would have to figure it out all on your own unless you could get some paralegal give you some help. So it may help to be nice & sweet talk someone.

    It sounds like at one time that both properties were on the same tax bill and never split until you paid the bill. I read that before a lot can be split into other lots that all taxes had to be current.

    Now about the septic. My Mother-Inlaw lives in Lake County and the neighbor had thier septic on her property & the neighbor had dug up the old septic & put a new one in thier own yard. They had a variance to have the septic on her property on the deeds but because they needed a new septic a new one had to be put in on their own property.

    I would think that the person that owns the land next to you could force you to get your septic on your own land if a variance for it is not on the deeds.

    It may be simple for you just to ask the property owner if they want to sell.

  • landinvestor16th February, 2003

    Asking a Real Estate Attorney may cost you more than you paid in taxes.

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