
has anyone used this technique in conjunction with the sub-2 method???i read some info from bill gatton on this and how i perceive this, is that it might soften the blow a bit when it gets to "keeping the loan alive" portion of my seems to me that it will work on a CFD with the original sellers as a co-beni...ill do more research on this and post but thought i would throw this out to yall pro's first..


  • InActive_Account15th November, 2003

    Actually the Pactrust method is an alternative to CFD,subject to, etc.

    Your problem is that it's base on English Common Law, You in LA fall under, La Loi Francaise and you will have problems.

  • patricc6815th November, 2003

    ya , thats true , i keep forgetting about the napoleonic way of life down here..guess back to the attorney..some of the crazy land rights laws still stem back to the mid 1800's--hahaha..i swear, i need a passport and visa to get in and out of louisiana..thanks for the post..


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