Owners Want Their Property Back?

The owners want their property back, I hold the deed, and I also have leased the property out. I have a contract between the owners and I, between the leasers and I.

Am I required to give the deed back at their request? They did sign a contract.

Is there any way for the owners to get the property back?

If so what happens to the contract/lease between the people leasing with option to buy and myself?

This is the first time this has happened, I have accumulated several properties in this manner and until now everyone has been happy. I just fount this out at 5p tonight, I have a phone call in to my attorney, but don't expect to hear from him until Monday.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Dan rolleyes


  • rajwarrior11th September, 2004

    You say that you have the deed, does that mean that you bought the property subject to or that you just got a deed from them? Is your contract with them a purchase and sell contract, a contract for deed, or a lease with option? If you have a deed, did you record the deed?

    The answers to the above questions may provide enough details to get a better idea of your situation. However, especially if you have a contract for deed or lease option with the original owners, you'll need to read thru your contract and see if it gives the landlord/owner any rights to reclaim the property.

    As far as contacting the owners, I wouldn't until you find out some more info and you've spoken with your attorney. If they call you on it, tell them the truth, that you are referring the matter to your attorney and that you'll contact them after he has had a chance to review the situation.

    More importantly, why do the owners want the property back?


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