
I have been looking a a house in our area that has no mortgage on it- but has been sitting vacant for two years. I have tried to find the owners-to no avail. I have sent letters, researched court house data, etc. I do know that they are $3,000 behind in taxes. I am wondering if they have left the country. After my last letters to people I thought may be related, an old broken down car showed up parked on the lot, but no people-Very Weird stuff. Any ideas on locating people, or am I going to have to wait until the tax sale comes up? Any help would be highly appreciated!! confused


  • tinman175526th January, 2004

    Why not go to the tax people and ask them if you can take the property off of their hands. You might be doing them a favor. The worst that could happen is NO

  • rickomarsh26th January, 2004

    I dont think the *tax people* have the right to give any one the house at this point.

  • tinman175526th January, 2004

    The "tax people" in this case would be most likely the county, boro,township,school, dept of tax collectors, whoever's job it is to report delinquent taxes, vacant houses, eyesores in a community. I'm sure someone at the county's courthouse would be able to direct "tess" to right right department.
    that is what I would do to get a jump start on a nice piece of property in my area. 'THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM'

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