Other "subject-to" course

I recently found another course teaching subject-to investing and was wondering if anybody has any experience with it?

The ebook is called "Profits while we sleep" by Bob Meister.

I plan on purchasing $cash$'es book very soon but I thought that if I look at this from two different perspectives it might help me out faster.



  • JohnLocke18th March, 2003


    The next time Bob Meister comes on this board to help someone, you could just ask him.

    Come to think of it I have never seen him help anyone in our community here at TCI.

    All kidding aside I am sure he is a very knowledgeable investor and you should look into what he has to offer. It is like chicken soup it wouldn't hurt.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • daven1118th March, 2003

    I was just wondering if this was one of those courses that teases you a little bit and hits you up for some more $ to get some special mentoring program.

    After watching this board for awhile, it seems to me that you are the guy to go to if a person wanted to get involved in CREI with VERY little money.

    I guess I am one of those people that is always looking for a second opinion or a different way to to the same thing as someone else. Extra knowledge is always a bonus, if it is good knowledge.

    Have you had any experience with your system in WI?

  • JohnLocke18th March, 2003


    Q. Have you had any experience with your system in WI?

    A. My system is used throughout the United States, those that use it are successful, those that choose not to and put it on the shelve for a later time will have to wait to find out.

    Q. My system works do you?

    Forgot about the FREE 24/7 email with me one on one, and the FREE Subject To board to ask questions and get answers and you get my cell phone number, ask anyone who calls who answers the cell phone.

    John $Cash$ Locke

    PS: The only other thing that I offer is a workshop, this would be up to the invdivdual as to whether they think it would be beneficial. The manual was authored as a stand alone, in other words read it and go buy and sell properties. [ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 03/18/2003 ]

  • jziproperties19th March, 2003

    Hello Daven and John,

    RE: Profits while you sleep-

    I just recently discovered this great site and am also researching the best value for courses. I am willing to pay for good info but there are so many cousres out there.

    I am going to order John's course "Subject To Is What I Do" as soon as I consult with my business partner tommorrow. Maybe soon I can go visit him in Las Vegas and take his personal course. (I have relatives there to say with).

    John's ad stood out because it appears that he focuses alot more than most on the "people factor" what to say etc. not just the mechanics. Yes even the type of vehicle you drive up in does matter! My partner and I learned this on our 1st deal! I also like the one on one mentoring via email etc, along with getting in touch with him on this site!

    With that said...I was reading the ad for ABC's of Subject To-Profits While You Sleep and saw a testimonial listed with a name, business name, address and phone number! Thinking out of the box like I try to, I figured what the heck. I'll call em and see if it is even a real number.

    It was. I had a nice conversation with a nice lady and her husband who highly reccomend it. They said to have bought 5k in courses and that one would replace all the others they looked at. However it is pricey (for the full course w/software). I found an ad on eBay for an orphan manual only that is being sold by Bob Meister himself under a pseudo name for $225 buy it now.

    I confess to John that I did not find any of your courses on eBay. Sorry but I have been living in a Dutch community too long and I guess it is rubbing off!

    Email me and I will fill you in some more if you want.

  • JohnLocke19th March, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    The Dutch line was great I see you have a sense of humor.

    I have seen many sites like e-bay where people are looking for my manul I have never seen it for sale. I figure if it was these people will 'not' get the personalized service that I offer.

    Sometimes I forget about John (LV) our Research Guru at Cash Now. If you need information about your market to help you buy and sell properties, John can find it for "our students only". Just another plus I don't think anyone else offers.

    Welcome on board this board, don't tell me you treat nickels like manhole covers.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • emoore22nd March, 2003

    I have both John's book and the full ABC's of sub2 course by The Frances. I also have Bronchicks material as well.

    Here is the recommendation I will give you...

    GET BOTH!!

    I will give you the positives of both John's and ABC's.

    John's course:
    John is a GREAT guy and will help you with any question you need at any time of day. He includes this with his course price and it is way undervalued.

    You get the script of what to say when you are at the seller's house (I think the ABCs course is very week in this area)

    ABCs course:
    Excellent tape set that covers a lot of objections by sellers

    Very comprehensive in the overall process.

    My recommendation is to tackle both. I think the courses complement each other well. After I got John's course, we got a deal with 45k of equity.


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