hell-o all I have a question about Ron Legrands options..I need to know if I have this right,, when you find a seller that does not wnt anyone living in his or her home, you offer to option the home at no cost to them, but if they where asking say $100,000 in the fist place why would they drop there price just for you to option it out. I meen I would have to create a spread for it to be whoth my while. Or do i buy it from them at $100,000 and put it in the paper for say $ 105,000........I hope this is not to confusing if it is I'll try and rewrite it K...Thank you for all your help.. P.S it just seems to me that options is kinda the best way to go you get to work with nice houses and don't have to put up with tentants.....Thanks again .......MD oh oh


  • sKauGhTiEe16th November, 2003

    Hey Man, have ya read anything else to help ya clear up a bit? I am new to this as well but I have been reading and discussing with fellow REInvestors. Read MSI and L2P Handbook. Maybe learn more about apprecitaion and thats where your making the money. Just keep reading Lates...

  • mjdreal16th November, 2003

    I have'nt found much on just options, everything I look up is just on lease options..........Help

  • InActive_Account18th November, 2003

    I don't know anything about LeGrands option strategy. There are tons and tons of material on pure option. Name one??? I was afraid you were going to ask that. Try www.Zick.com. He's one of the gurus who use options extensively.

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