Opportunities To Rebuild

I know this is not the correct forum for this question, but after getting quite atticted to this forum and reading the sound judgement coming from all of you, I thought it would be best to pose this to you guys first.

Given the catastophe that is taking place down south...how long do you think before they begin re-building? Has anyone in this forum gotten into a market on the heels of a natural disaster? I know many smart investors put a lot of money into helping re-build the florida coastline after Andrew. I am speculating the same will happen for the areas hardest hit by Katrina. Any advise on how and where to start or lessons learned would be much appreciated. As of right now, all I can think of doing is keeping in touch with major builders who I can only assume will want to help re-build the towns.

Everything that has and is happening there is just so devestating. But the up side is that these cities will now have to rebuild with construction that can better withstand these natural disasters.

Comments, thoughts, opinions?


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