One Credit Score VS All 3 Agency Credit Scores.


If you get one credit score from just one agency, would it be the same as getting all 3 agency credit score into one.

My credit score from one company come back at 715. But when I applied for a mortgage loan, my credit score come back at 650 (which included all three agencies.)

Any thoughts or experiences with the above.

Thank You


  • maw6th March, 2004

    The discrepancies between agencies is enormous. Mortgage Co's usually take middle score. Order your reports for all beareaus and compare

  • GoldenBear6th March, 2004

    You should definitely get all three. They may have different cards/loans/late payments on them. Further, if you only get one or two, you may not have ordered the one that has five errors on it!

    On another note, I have read that the credit score you are provided with by these agencies is not the same score that will show up to the lender when they are trying to approve your loan. I dont know why, but I did see this somewhere...though I guess it is good to have a ballpark idea on where you stand.

  • classimg7th March, 2004

    Middle score= High, Low, Middle; For example: Trans Union = 715, Equifax = 711, and Experian = 650. The mortgage company will order a merged report and use the FICO score of the middle bureau. In the above example, the high and low FICO are overlooked and the middle=Equifax is used. Keep in mind, the infomation in each bureau is reviewed.

    Eric & Rosa

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