On My Voice Mail Message, How Much Info Do I Ask For?

I know I need to keep my message brief and to the point, but do just ask the caller to give me their name and number or do you guys also ask for a little more, like a street address or something? Just to give me an idea before I talk to them about the area I'm dealing with.



  • jeff120022nd September, 2004

    In my opinion, You should try to answer the phone, yourself, live and in person. I know that If I'm calling to buy something, and I get a machine, I hang up and find someone that wants my business now. If you've invested your money in an advertising campaign trying to get perspective sellers to call you, why would you not want to capture their information yourself. Before they call one of the other dozen or so ads in the paper, or respond to one of the 20 or more postcards or letters they recieved in the last week?
    If you can't answer the phone yourself, find someone that can do it for you. Someone that can page you or something if the caller needs or wants to speak to you right away.
    I guarantee you, If you aren't prepared to take care of business when it comes your way that others will be.

  • labellavita2nd September, 2004

    good points Jeff, well taken

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